Recognition of the Local Police on Saint Michael’s Day, patron saint of the body

Institutional event celebrating Saint Michael’s Day, patron saint of the Local Police

The Local Police of Martorell has brought forward to this Tuesday morning the institutional event celebrating the Patron Saint’s Day, Sant Miquel, next September 29. The acting head of the Local Police Alfonso Sánchez and a representative of the staff received the institutional representation, headed by the mayor Xavier Fonollosa. He was accompanied by the councilor for Citizen Security Lluís Sagarra and the councilor for Economic Promotion, Trade, Markets and Tourism Rosa Cadenas.

The mayor and councilors have greeted the Local Police officers at the branches of Avinguda de Joaquim Barnola i Bassols, in Ca n’Oliveres. Next, they got to know the new motorized unit, the canine unit, the proximity agent service and the rest of the patrol units.

Fonollosa emphasized that “security is a very important aspect for citizens and we are having many good results with the work that the Local Police is doing”. He stressed that “we want to have a very safe city, and if there is any focus of insecurity we must address it immediately and forcefully”. Finally, he appreciated the local government’s commitment to increase the security contingent “to have it at the appropriate level. And we will continue to do so to adapt it to all the needs of the municipality”.

Xavier Fonollosa, alcalde de Martorell

Along these lines, last July the City Council approved an expansion of the Local Police workforce with the creation of four new positions for officers, two for corporal and the amortization of a sergeant’s position. A measure that has made it possible to have, to date, a total of 43 officers, nine corporals, two sergeants and a sub-inspector. A new emergency intervention unit has also been created and surveillance has been increased. Soon more security cameras will be added to the public road and the security warning system for businesses, the DragAlert, will be activated.

Fonollosa referred to the Proximity Unit: “It is one of the most well-received by society as a whole. Agents often travel on foot to visit establishments, organizations, neighborhood associations and the playgrounds of the elderly. They interact, give prevention talks and provide safety advice”.

Xavier Fonollosa, alcalde de Martorell

Sagarra referred to the increase in security cameras: “At the moment we are finalizing their protocol and doing training for the corporals and agents. The cameras aim to provide security to both citizens and the officers themselves. We are very happy to be implementing new technologies to increase the sense of security”.

Lluís Sagarra, regidor de Seguretat Ciutadana i Mobilitat

Agents and local authorities took an institutional photograph before closing the commemorative event at the premises of the Local Police.
