Recommendations for pilgrims attending the Feast of St. Demetrius the New, the Patron Saint of Bucharest

Recommendations for pilgrims attending the Feast of St. Demetrius the New, the Patron Saint of Bucharest

The Chancellery of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church provides pilgrims with a set of recommendations for a good celebration of Saint Demetrius the New, the Patron Saint of Bucharest, announces.

The pilgrimage will take place between October 20-28. Along with the relics of Saint Demetrius the New, the relics of Saint and Righteous Lazarus, which will be brought from Cyprus, will be placed for worship.


1. Pilgrimage is a liturgical, missionary and social act. It is a liturgical act because it carries within it the joy of prayer and the search for holiness. It is a missionary act because we share with the world the joy of faith in the Crucified and Resurrected Christ. It is a social, spiritual act, because it gathers in communion and offers hope to people in a world increasingly lacking in ideals, peace and joy.

2. Pilgrimage constitutes a communion in procession, a gathering in motion, a symbol of the Church in mission, which through prayer and chanting, invokes God’s blessing on the entire city. People of different ages, social status, degree of culture, intensity of faith and spiritual sensibility come to the pilgrimage from different regions, but all of them must spend a blessed time, without being disturbed or disturbed in their state of prayer and without disturbing others.

3. As a sign of piety towards the saints, but also for the spiritual benefit of the pilgrimage, the following are recommended to pilgrims:
a decent and appropriate dress for the event, similar to the one worn when participating in the Holy Liturgy;
a peaceful, civilized and respectful behavior towards other pilgrims;
in the interaction with the other participants in the pilgrimage or with any other person, an appropriate vocabulary and a low tone of voice will be used, so as not to disturb those around;
preserving an atmosphere of prayer, sobriety and silence;
special attention to children, disabled or sick people and elderly people with whom you are traveling in order not to get lost, as well as to personal belongings;
respecting the route, the program and the indications provided by the organizers and volunteers in relation to the worship of the Holy Relics and other liturgical or pastoral manifestations;
keeping the perimeter of the pilgrimage site clean and orderly.

4. Since the pilgrimage is a spiritual event for all those who participate in it with faith, piety and love for God and the Church, pilgrims are prohibited from:
to disturb fellow pilgrims, especially through the following actions: live broadcasting of the event on social networks, shouts or contradictory discussions, listening to music on devices that affect the peace of fellow pilgrims, etc.;
to market products or objects;
to threaten, use obscene words or carry out activities that endanger the safety or disturb the peace of the people around;
to appeal to public mercy;
to smoke, consume or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

5. These recommendations are supplemented by the regulations in force regarding the organization and conduct of public meetings. Pursuant to the applicable legislation, the organizers reserve the right that, in case of non-compliance with the above, the persons concerned will be warned or, as the case may be, removed from the place of pilgrimage, with the help of law enforcement.
