Recycling walnut and hazelnut shells: 7 practical ideas

Autumn is the season of hazelnuts and walnuts! Nuts with many virtues, whose shells can be recycled in multiple ways in the garden and at home. The proof with these 7 practical recycling ideas.

Written by CecileOct 27, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.

The nut family has many nutritional benefits that it would be a shame to deprive yourself of during this season. Autumn is indeed prolific in walnuts and hazelnutsa godsend for those who are lucky enough to be able to harvest it in the garden. It’s also an opportunity to buy fresh walnuts and hazelnuts on market stalls, enough to stock up on many minerals and trace elements, but also shells that it would be a shame to throw in the trash. Just like clementine peels that can be recycledwalnut and hazelnut shells can be reused in many ways.

How to recycle walnut shells and what to do with hazelnut shells?

1 – Shell mulch

If the mulch is made more with straw, bark or wood shavings, walnut shells and hazelnuts work just as well. An alternative that will prevent the development of weeds where hulls are widespread, while regulating soil humidity. What carry out effective vegetable mulching, essential in autumn.

2 – Drain flower pots with walnut and hazelnut shells

Walnut and hazelnut shells can also be used to drain flower pots in the garden and at home. This natural detritus then plays the same role as traditional clay balls, by preventing the evaporation of water while preventing it from stagnating at the bottom of your planters, risking rotting of the roots of the plants. . To provide good drainage, remember to break the shells into small pieces. In summer, it is also possible to drain your potted plants with cherry stones.

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3 – Mix crushed shells with soil to aerate it

Still in the garden, hazelnut and walnut shells can be used to aerate soil that is too compact. Certain plants require aerial soil to develop optimally, such as orchids for example, mixing pieces of crushed hulls allows you to create lighter soil. You can add compost to your mixture of soil and shells, to create a soil that is even more conducive to the good growth of your plants. A compost that can also be enriched directly with walnut and hazelnut residue.

Recycle walnut shells

4 – Enrich the compost

Another way to recycle hazelnut and walnut shells is to place them directly in your composting bin. Just like other organic waste, these fruit shells will decompose by enriching the compost, provided they are sufficiently crushed beforehand. So remember to break your walnut and hazelnut shells into fine order to facilitate their decomposition.

Also read – Harvesting and storing fresh walnuts and hazelnuts from the garden: everything you need to know

5 – Create shelters for insects

Last outdoor recycling idea for hazelnut and walnut shells: create with shelters for insects ! Enough to allow biodiversity to survive the winter more easily. Simply gather your empty shells in a net, to hang on a branch in your garden. Empty shells can also replace pine cones in insect hotels, again creating a wonderful refuge.

6 – Start a fireplace

At home this time, empty walnut and hazelnut shells serve just as well as fire starters, alongside traditional twigs. What to do start a good fire in the fireplace in winter, or a barbecue in summer. To do this, simply place them on top of the kindling, then let your fire slowly catch.

Recycle hazelnut shells

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7 – Create funny animals with the children and Christmas decorations!

Finally, our last recycling idea is more creative, since it involves creating all kinds of fun animals with the little ones. The turned-over walnut shells can, once painted, act as ladybugs, turtles, hedgehogs or other animals by creating antennas or colored legs with glued paper. Enough to give free rein to your imagination! An imagination that can also be put to good use by creating natural Christmas decorations. You can, for example, paint empty walnut and hazelnut shells gold, then use them to decorate your Christmas wreaths, or place them on either side of your guests’ plates, for a pretty New Year’s Eve table. …

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