Reflux is a disease that affects many people, which can not only cause symptoms that make everyday life difficult, but if left untreated, it can increase the incidence of esophageal cancer and worsen the condition of many other diseases. That is why it is important to be aware of the importance of medical treatment and the risk factors, many of which can be eliminated by lifestyle changes. These were summarized by dr. Krisztina Sárdi, internal medicine gastroenterologist at the Élétmód Medical Center.
From heartburn to chest pain
We speak of reflux when stomach acid or food mixed with stomach acid gets back into the esophagus, even into the pharynx and oral cavity. 20-30 percent of the Hungarian adult population suffers from reflux disease, but more than 50 percent of adults experience occasional or recurring heartburn.
The most common complaints are heartburn, nausea, acid belching, bad taste in the mouth, and unpleasant breath. The burning sensation can also occur in the midline of the chest, behind the sternum, and radiate to the neck, chin and shoulder blade. In case of severe chest pain, it should be separated from pain caused by coronary artery stenosis. In addition to the typical symptoms, so-called atypical symptoms affecting other organs can also occur, such as hoarseness, cough, and difficulty breathing.
Left untreated, it can even lead to a more serious illness
Reflux is not just an inconvenience, because untreated it worsens asthma symptoms, especially if asthma symptoms appear after eating or when lying down. The phenomenon known as nocturnal acid reflux not only disturbs rest, but the risk of nocturnal acid reflux can be that the fluid enters the trachea and lungs and causes recurrent pneumonia and bronchitis. Reflux disease can be hidden behind chronic cough, sore throat and inflammation, and even serous otitis media.
– We should not neglect this disease, which initially presents only mild symptoms, since in the case of prolonged, long-standing reflux disease, scarring, strictures, ulcers, pre-cancerous condition, and esophageal tumor may develop with difficulty in swallowing. In addition to all of this, in the case of co-morbidities caused by reflux disease, chronic vocal cord inflammation, recurrent sinusitis, heart rhythm disorders, sleep disorders, tooth decay, it is important to recognize and treat the underlying digestive disease – he emphasizes dr. Krisztina Sárdiinternist gastroenterologist at the Élétmód Medical Center.
How can we reduce the severity of reflux through lifestyle?
– In the case of reflux disease, make sure to consult a doctor in time, because with appropriate therapy, not only the complaints can be eliminated, but also possible complications can be avoided. The first pillar of treatment is lifestyle change. In general, it is recommended to make certain changes in the area of food and exercise, and in the case of obesity, weight loss is inevitable for patients struggling with reflux, Dr. Sárdi explains. – The dietitian and exercise therapist make the process efficient and safe with a personalized program, but some general rules may apply to everyone.
– A reflux patient should eat often, but little, because reflux is more likely with an overloaded stomach. Stomach contents that are too diluted also return to the esophagus more easily, so – especially before going to bed – you should not drink a lot of liquid, and do not eat 2-3 hours before going to bed. Fatty and spicy foods, carbonated drinks, tomato foods, coffee, chocolate and mint should be avoided.
– Gentle movement can improve complaints. In this regard, however, you have to choose a form of exercise carefully, because high-intensity forms of exercise such as weight lifting, running or cycling can worsen reflux symptoms. For those prone to reflux, walking, swimming or yoga, as well as a personalized exercise program, are better choices.
– Predisposing factors such as smoking or alcohol consumption should be ruled out.
– Stress management deserves special attention, because stress is an independent risk factor for reflux. Since we cannot eliminate stress from our lives, processing it may be the best way to go, in which it is worth asking for the help of a psychologist or mental health specialist
Source: Lifestyle Medical Center