Registration of schoolchildren for the National Technology Olympiad has been extended until November 4

Accepting applications for the track for students in grades 8–11 of the National Technological Olympiad (NTO), part of the presidential platform “Russia is a land of opportunity”extended until November 4. In the tenth season of the largest team engineering competition in Russia, 32 directions are open for high school students. Winning many of them makes it possible to receive 100 Unified State Examination points in one of the subjects or to enter universities without entrance examinations. A number of areas provide an internship system and a prize fund.

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NTO is an all-Russian technology game for schoolchildren and students in a wide range of modern areas: from artificial intelligence, unmanned aircraft and robotics to genome editing, space engineering and computer game development. The final NTO competitions are held at the sites of leading universities and technology companies in Russia, the finalists work in a team format, independently distribute roles and learn new competencies during the preparation and qualifying rounds of the Olympiad.

“This year the National Technology Olympiad is being held for the tenth time; since 2015, more than 660,000 schoolchildren and students from all regions of the country and 77 foreign countries have already taken part in it. The anniversary season is of particular importance for us – we launched the “NTO Torch” award for outstanding graduates of the Olympiad to celebrate their contribution to the technological, scientific and social development of Russia. We hope that the example of our graduates will inspire those who come to NTO for the first time.”– emphasized the executive secretary of the NTO organizing committee, vice-rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics Dmitry Zemtsov.

At the moment, the most applications for participation in the scientific and technical training season of the 2024/2025 academic year came from the Novosibirsk region, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Tomsk regions. In terms of the number of applications in the school track, the leading profiles are “Artificial Intelligence”, “Computer Game Development” and “Business Process Automation”.

On the “Artificial Intelligence” profile of the NTO, participants will have to develop a system for identifying animals in images from camera traps in order to increase the accuracy of counting wild animal populations. The winners are provided with an internship system at Sberbank and a prize fund of 4 million rubles. The “Artificial Intelligence” profile is conducted jointly with the Academy of Artificial Intelligence for schoolchildren of the Sberbank Charitable Foundation “Investment in the Future.”

Participants in the “Computer Game Development” profile will have to create educational games according to the parameters set by gaming industry experts. To win, participants will need to have skills in game design, programming and presentation of their projects.

Schoolchildren who have chosen the “Automation of Business Processes” profile will solve a problem related to the automation of business processes of a final-cycle woodworking enterprise. They will have to understand all stages: from the purchase of raw materials to the production of finished products. The profile is held annually together with the 1C company, this season the winners and runners-up will share a prize fund of 2 million rubles.

«We are glad that every year the number of schoolchildren and students applying for the National Technology Olympiad is growing. This means that many young people are not only interested in technology, but also strive to develop in priority areas. The global advantage of NTO is that any schoolchild from grades 5 to 11 can participate in the competition, and each participant receives access to a free educational program that allows them to learn everything that will be required at the Olympiad and will be in demand further»,” noted the First Deputy General Director of the ANO “Russia – the Land of Opportunities” Alexey Agafonov.

You can apply for participation in the National Technology Olympiad by link until November 4 (12:00 Moscow time). The first qualifying individual stage will last until November 5 – during it, schoolchildren solve problems in the main subjects of the profile, complete tasks on knowledge and competencies that are necessary in selected areas of scientific and technical education. At the second stage, participants will solve team complex problems directly related to the technologies that will be used at the finals. In the final round, the teams will have to meet with real cases and solve practical engineering problems on the subject of the profile using technological and laboratory equipment.

The National Technology Olympiad is held under the coordination of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation together with the ANO “Russia – the Land of Opportunities” and with the support of the Russian movement of children and youth “Movement of the First”, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the ANO “NTI Platform”. The project office for the Olympiad was deployed at the National Research University Higher School of Economics with methodological support from the Association of Technology Circle Participants (NTI Circle Movement).
