Regular and proper diaper changing for babies is half of the baby’s health

The first thing parents of a newborn baby face is feeding, bathing and changing diapers. In the first days, life with a baby in the house seems very stressful, however, over time, parents master the skills of changing clothes, bathing and feeding, life becomes simpler and more beautiful, and the baby becomes the center of every event in the house. In order to make every day with the baby really magical, it is most practical for parents to monitor the baby’s needs, change her baby diapers on time, feed her and put her to sleep, that’s all she needs in the first months. Changing a baby’s diaper is of key importance for the baby’s health, normal growth and development.

What are the best diapers for babies?

When choosing baby diapers for the first time, parents have to decide between two basic types: cloth or disposable baby diapers. There is no difference in the use of one or the other as long as the diapers are changed regularly and properly, and if they are left on the baby for a long time, the use of both equally increases the risk of bites. Disposable diapers for babies have better air flow, so the skin in them breathes better, but chemicals are often used for this type of diaper, which should ensure the absorption and retention of liquid inside the diaper, so these chemicals can contribute to irritation in sensitive babies. Since the parents change the diapers thousands of times before the baby gets used to the potty, it would be good for the first time to decide whether to use cotton or disposable diapers, both of which have their own advantages, so parents will choose them according to their needs and decisions. . The best diaper should be designed so that it absorbs liquid well and prevents leakage, that’s why parents generally opt for disposable diapers that are designed to meet these criteria. If you want to know everything about the types, sizes and characteristics of baby diapers, visit the link

What does regular diaper changing mean?

The baby’s diaper should be changed as often as possible. In the baby’s changing, there must be a routine, a certain interval for changing diapers. Since newborns have a three-hour meal, parents, on the advice of pediatricians, practice changing the baby’s diapers half an hour after a meal to give the baby time to defecate after the meal. However, this does not imply strict adherence to the pattern, the baby has to change out of the established pattern when the parents notice that the diaper is full. Frequent changing of disposable diapers for babies aims to keep the baby in contact with chemical substances from urine and stool for as short a time as possible. Babies’ diapers are changed up to ten times a day, and with older babies, parents follow their biorhythms and change them when they feel that the diaper is wet to the touch or by the smell, or when they notice that the diaper is hanging or seems bulky. If the baby’s diapers are changed irregularly, one of the most common problems will be skin irritation and diaper rash. In prolonged contact with chemical substances from urine, the baby’s skin becomes red, irritated and painful. When changing the diaper, it is good to leave the baby without a diaper for a while, during the summer when it is warmer it can be longer than half an hour, in the winter this interval is reduced to a few minutes, so that the skin is exposed to the air.

Proper diaper changing and care of the diaper area

Changing diapers is a routine action, performed several times during the day, but it does not mean that with each change, this routine should exclude caution and attention to change the diaper properly. During each change, the skin should be washed, wiped well and dried, this is how the diaper region is best cared for and protected from irritation. The wet environment of the diaper area is extremely favorable for the development of infections, so it is important to dry it well. Dry skin should be smeared with a cream that has a protective barrier, it will not allow harmful substances to eat away at the skin. If the baby has a rash, then when changing the baby’s clothes, the skin must be washed only with lukewarm water, dry well after washing, and then apply a thin layer of some cream diaper area care. Leakage can also occur if the diaper is too tight, which parents often do to prevent liquid from leaking out. By tightly tightening the diaper, the swallows that are in the edges of the diaper can irritate the skin and create a favorable climate for the development of rashes. The use of antibiotics and the introduction of new foods can also lead to eating, so on those days attention must be paid to the contents of the diaper, as well as to more frequent changing.

The diaper must be of the appropriate size

Different brands of diapers have different measurements around the legs and waist, so it’s good to try different sizes and not stick to a fixed purchase. When you buy appropriate size diapers for babies, this means that they will not constrict and irritate them and at the same time they will ensure that the liquid and contents do not leak out, which is important for both the baby and the parents. When the first difficulties in changing diapers appear, it’s time to change the size.
