Resident Evil 9 is closer than we expected

It’s been a few months since, at the beginning of July, Capcom officially confirmed that Resident Evil 9 was in development. It was, however, the confirmation of an open secret, and as we told you earlier this year, rumors and leaks pointed to the fact that, in fact, Capcom was already working on the development of the game since 2018, that is, no less than six years ago. A detail that, of course, was not confirmed (but neither denied) by the company.

Timing in these types of cases is, of course, a very important factor.since we know that when we talk about a triple A, as is the case, they always take years, although of course, the number of years is variable. Therefore, if development had started when Capcom made it public, that is, last July, we would have the absolute certainty that we would still have to wait a few years to enjoy it. However, things change substantially when we know that they have been working on it since the end of the last decade.

So, Why did Capcom choose this moment to make the announcement? If we are to theorize, without proof, we can reach a thousand different conclusions, ranging from a launch in a matter of weeks, to the calculation that there are still quite a few years ahead, and that consequently they have decided to make it public so that there is at least some official information that allows us to confirm that the saga, unlike some of its protagonists, is still alive and well.

Well, although we are again subscribing to unofficial information, it seems that we already have a question to that answer. And that is, according to we read in Wccftech, Resident Evil 9 will be released in the second half of 2025, and this will be announced very soonSpecifically, rumors suggest that this information will be confirmed at the PlayStation State of Play tomorrow, September 24, or during the Tokyo Game Show, which opens next Thursday, September 26. A slightly later scenario is also being considered, and that is that Capcom opts for the Game Awards 2024, which will take place on December 12.

Although both the Japanese fair and the industry awards event are two very relevant platforms for such an announcement, we must not forget that thethe good relationship between Sony and Capcom has already led to other titles in the series being announced at events associated with PlayStation, so the State of Play option is also quite feasible. And, if we look at Capcom’s usual pattern, we can expect Resident Evil 9 to see the light of day approximately a year after the announcement that we expect to take place shortly.
