Residents will be able to communicate directly with the cars. What the city of the future looks like, built by Toyota

Toyota has built a city of the future, where residents will be able to communicate directly with cars. The first phase of construction of this utopian residential complex has been completed, with people expected to move in by the end of this year.

Less than 4 years ago, Toyota announced the start of a huge project: the construction of a utopian city.

This city of the future has been christened Woven City. And Toyota officials have now announced that the first phase of construction has been completed.

What the city of the future looks like, built by Toyota

Woven City is basically an experimental city where the technologies of the future will be tested. It can be considered a living laboratory where new technologies are tested, from hydrogen fueling to autonomous vehicles, robots and artificial intelligence.

The entire project is estimated to cost over $10 billion. Its first stage, meaning a settlement with an area of ​​about 50,000 square meters, has already been completed.

The first residents of the city will be able to move into their new homes by the end of this year, Toyota announced, writes

However, the final surface of this city of the future will be over 70 hectares.

What technologies will Toyota implement in the city of the future

Toyota envisions that in the city of the future buildings, robots and autonomous vehicles will be connected both to each other and to the inhabitants.

The first tests regarding the implementation of futuristic technologies will take place starting in 2025.

The homes will be built mainly of wood, powered by hydrogen and equipped with artificial intelligence systems.

They will be served by robots that will perform various tasks:

  • they will shop;
  • they will take the garbage;
  • they will clean, etc.

In the city of the future, residents will be able to communicate directly with cars

In Woven City, autonomous vehicles developed by Toyota will be connected with people through a sensor system.

Thus, the machines will be able to communicate both virtually and physically with the inhabitants of Woven City.

In the first phase, the city of the future will host around 360 people, most of whom are company employees, technicians and researchers in various fields, together with their families.

But in the future, the population of Woven City should reach 2,000 people.

