Retailleau and Garnier, two profiles that even make Macronists nervous…

Two prospective ministers make Macronists wince

Several prospective ministers are annoying some Macronists. Senator Laurence Garnier, who is expected to be nominated for the Family, is controversial for her positions against same-sex marriage, the constitutionalization of abortion and the decriminalization of conversion therapies. Emmanuel Macron himself is said to have “alerted” his Prime Minister about this divisive profile.

The possibility of Bruno Retailleau, a conservative figure who takes a firm line on immigration, landing at the Interior Ministry also disconcerts some members of the presidential camp. We will see whether Michel Barnier keeps these two personalities or not.

Elected officials ask MoDem to “close ranks”

No time for remorse. Constance Le Grip, Renaissance MP, asks MoDem colleagues to swallow their doubts about the future government. “Given the seriousness of the political moment we are going through, it is urgent to close ranks,” she said on BFMTV.

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How to announce the government during heritage days?

And yes, this weekend is the European Heritage Days, an opportunity for the public to visit, among other things… the Elysée Palace. Except that the government’s announcement is usually made on the steps of the Elysée Palace. Yet another problem for the executive to solve.

The RN a little mocking of Bruno Retailleau

Jean-Philippe Tanguy, RN MP, made fun of Bruno Retailleau, who was expected to become Minister of the Interior and who had banned any agreement with Macronism in 2022.

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And meanwhile, Emmanuel Macron goes to Chartres

Emmanuel Macron is going to Chartres this afternoon for the 41st edition of the European Heritage Days, the Elysée Palace announced. The head of state had cancelled his planned trip to Brittany on Thursday for “meteorological” reasons, while the weather is… rather nice in Brittany this Friday. Mystèèèère doc

Agnès Pannier-Runacher tipped for the Ministry of Ecology, according to sources close to the negotiations

No government announcement this Friday, announces Matignon services

The Prime Minister had submitted a list of 38 ministers, including 16 full-time ministers, to President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday evening. Matignon then announced that the government would be presented “before Sunday”.

Crisis meeting at the Modem

The presence of two members among the chosen ministers divides the group

François Hollande regrets the “forceful arrival” of the Republican ministers

The former president, and now NFP socialist deputy, spoke on France Bleu Occitanie

“No tax increase on the middle classes and working French people,” assures Prisca Thévenot

The former government spokesperson assured that one of the economic pillars of Macron’s policy, the non-increase of taxes, would be maintained in this new government.

For Manon Aubry, there is a “fairly strong possibility” that Emmanuel Macron will resign before the next presidential election in 2027.

Wishful thinking of the left or real possibility, we’ll let you be the judge. “Do you think he’s capable of holding his mandate? He’s hated in the country, a minority in public opinion,” she declared. It was also an opportunity to praise… Jean-Luc Mélenchon, according to her, the most likely to succeed the current president.

“We got 8% in the legislative elections, and we already have a Prime Minister from our political family,” boasts Geoffrey Didier, secretary of the Les Républicains party.

“And we won this because we were the ones who vetoed Emmanuel Macron’s idea of ​​having a Prime Minister from the far left.” Not sure we should be publicly celebrating this, but my goodness? He says his party will work “together” with the Macronist camp, even if “it won’t be easy.”

The upcoming budget will be “without doubt the most complicated perhaps since the beginning of the Fifth Republic,” warns Pierre Moscovici.

Well, at the same time, he’s been saying that for about 300 years, if you didn’t understand it before, you have a listening problem.

And we continue with the complaints of the left, this time with Sandrine Rousseau

She too, in the morning, the EELV deputy expressed her feelings: “We came out on top and we were deprived of the result of this election”

The new government is “illegitimate”, says Clémentine Autain

As you will have understood, the morning will be composed in particular of bazooka declarations from the left, a bit of the immense cuckold of these elections it is true. We continue therefore with Clémentine Autain, ex-LFI, who sees in this government “a disgrace”.

Emmanuel Macron reportedly asked Michel Barnier to remove Laurence Garnier’s name from the government team

According to France Info, the arrival of Laurence Garnier at the Ministry of the Family had provoked controversy, notably because of her vote against marriage for all in 2013, as well as for the constitutionalization of abortion in March.

Gérald Darmanin’s anger, not renewed

And who shows us his CV on Twitter

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Mathilde Panot calls on “everyone” to join Saturday’s demonstration in Paris

The “angry” LFI leader did not mince her words on TF1: “We have a government that promises to recycle all the losers of the elections” and “an extreme right-wing shift of Macronism.”

A government that is probably very right-wing

Among the full ministers, seven are Macronists, three Republicans, two MoDem, one Horizons and one UDI.
