Revilla announces that the congress for his succession will be in 2025 and that he will leave politics when the legislature ends

The general secretary of the PRC, Miguel Ángel Revilla, has announced that the extraordinary congress to elect his replacement at the head of the formation will take place next 2025. “Next year there will be a change,” stated the regionalist, who He will leave politics when this term ends.

Revilla hopes that this congress will choose the “best person” and that it will do so by “a very broad consensus.” In this regard, he believes that within his party “an agreement can be reached so that there is a person who has the support of everyone” and a “candidate war” does not occur.

This is what the founder of the PRC said this Sunday in an interview with RNE, collected by Europa Press, in which he confirmed that he will not run again to lead the party. “When this term ends, it’s over,” he declared in reference to his retirement from politics. “I have to stop because biologically my cycle is ending,” he added.

Yes, he has announced that he will maintain his commitment to Parliament and the PRC as “just another militant.” “I will be, of course, I will be in the party, I suppose, in the Executive or somewhere, but as a person, just another militant,” he declared when asked about the possibility of holding a life position in the regionalist formation.

“I no longer want to boss around anything at all; I don’t boss around much either. The thing is that people have voted for me… But I don’t want to anymore… I’m not old enough for that anymore,” he pointed out, pointing out that he has already “recycled.” “I have never had any depression with this. I’m going to another book. And also now I am touring Spain giving lectures,” he recalled.

Regarding the current situation in politics in Cantabria, the regionalist leader has criticized that the Executive of María José Sáenz de Buruaga (PP) – who governs as a minority with regionalist support conditioned on commitments – “was going to bring a revolution, was going to put the region at number one, and it has been two years and the economy is growing less than half of the Spanish average, the airport is going down and healthcare is worse.” “We are talking about very sensitive things that are not going well,” he emphasized.

In this regard, the former president of Cantabria, who has commented that his party is in the negotiation phase of the 2025 regional budgets, has reiterated that his support for them will depend on whether the Executive “complies with what we signed” because, he said, “If they don’t, there will be no way out of this. “We will not support,” he stated.

In this sense, he has criticized that the Executive “has not done even 20 percent of what was committed and Cantabria is stopped in public works.” “They have money but they don’t have the ability to manage it. I don’t see that there is much imagination or power,” he added.

And questioned about the La Pasiega intermodal station, Revilla has maintained that, if he continued as president, “with all certainty, it was already underway” and has made reference to the fact that a French large company was interested in establishing itself in the Llano.

General elections

On the other hand, Revilla has predicted that next year there will be general elections because the Government of Pedro Sánchez will be unable to approve the General State Budgets for 2025, which will not exhaust the legislature. “Three budgets in a row, it is impossible,” he stated.

Furthermore, the regionalist has stressed that Sánchez “embarked on an adventure with the worst people who can accompany you” in relation to the support that the central Executive currently has.

“Man, you have to choose who accompanies you a little and from the ideological aspect it is the greatest antagonism that can arise when choosing a trip; It is radically the opposite of what the Socialist Party is or was… Find more or less inclined people. “That can’t end well,” he concluded.
