Reworld Media and Implcit join forces to collect shopper data

Reworld Media and Implcit announce the signing of a partnership, now placing Implcit’s contextual data and the Global Médiamétrie//NetRatings Internet measurement panel within Reworld Media’s Data Management Platform (DMP).

Already equipped with a powerful segmentation and targeting capacity – thanks to its proprietary Data including 40 billion IDs and 1,200 First Party Data segments – Reworld Media is now strengthening its knowledge of its audiences and its affinity targeting capabilities. How? Thanks to the Global Médiamétrie//NetRatings Internet measurement panel in connection with its media sites and the Implcit artificial intelligence engine.

Qualified, refined, transparent and audited audience data

French adtech Implcit has developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) engine providing a technological solution for contextual targeting. This technology is trained on the detailed basis of individual and anonymized audience data from the Médiamétrie//NetRatings Global Internet measurement panel.

This solution and its advanced artificial intelligence capabilities offer statistical methods to create all advertising target profiles and to precisely analyze the audience’s behaviors and interests.

Respectful of privacy, this technological innovation thus provides precise knowledge and information on the targets: whether socio-demographic, behavioral, linked to centers of interest or based on purchasing intentions.

The partnership aims to enable advertisers to precisely target online consumers based on their purchasing behavior, individual profile or household, at a time when third-party data has become scarce (due to GDPR and cookies).

It is therefore possible for Reworld media to effectively retarget visitors through its various assets (content commerce, CRM, display and programmatic), with unrivaled performance capabilities.
