Rhodes: Hundreds of migrants live in tents and cardboard boxes in the center of the island

Disturbance has been caused in the center of Rhodes, due to the “suffocating” situation that prevails on the island, where dozens of immigrants of various nationalities, including women and children, set up and live in makeshift tents and cardboard boxes, under degrading living conditions.

According to rough estimates, the migrants on the island exceed 700, a number that was the same as last week, but also two weeks before and which does not seem likely to change, although and as long as there are no mass transfers to structures in mainland Greece, according to rodiaki.gr.


Yesterday at the meeting of the PED of the South Aegean, the mayor of Rhodes, Mr. Alexandros Koliadis, the essential problem in everything to do with immigration and the increased number that is in full swing at this time, concerns among others the huge lack in personnel registered in recent years in the services of the Port Authorities and the Police.

The situation, as the president of the police officers of our region, Mr. Manolis Androulakis, points out in his statements to “Rodiaki”, is at a tragic point, since the ELAS Services are in danger of disbanding, given that, just for an escort from Rhodes to other areas of the country, the police even needed 20 days.

Dozens of immigrants are sleeping wherever they can in the center of Rhodes, on cardboard boxes or in the best cases in tents that they have set up like – like in various places, without even the basics for their daily hygiene and living.

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Source: www.enikos.gr