RMC BFM Ads accelerates on digital and data

The acquisition of Altice Media by CMA CGM will not have disrupted RMC BFM’s plans. In keeping with the continuity, the RMC BFM Ads agency will continue its efforts in digital and data, while strengthening its investments in the RMC Story and RMC Découverte channels.

“The acquisition was a continuation of what we had dreamed of l‘hyperdistribution, we did it successfully in 2024 and so we will amplify it in 2025.“This is how Raphaël Porte, director of the RMC BFM Ads agency (formerly Altice Media Ads & Connect), summarises the context in which the group has constructed the T&Cs for the year 2025, following the acquisition of Altice Media by CMA CGM, made official at the beginning of July. “The strategy we presented last year worked. We therefore wish to continue it, while accelerating in 2025”he continues.

An acceleration in digital and data

So let’s start with the digital aspect. One of the major innovations announced by the group is precisely the launch of the digital channel BFM2, scheduled for September 25. This will give priority to long-term events (debates, meetings, etc.) and will allow Internet users to choose between the information covered on BFMTV and that covered on this new digital channel.

As in 2024, RMC BFM Ads will also continue its efforts to develop its content on connected television (CTV). After a first successful partnership with Samsung, the group launched, last April, eight FAST channels (BFM Grands Reportages, RMC Alerte Secours, RMC Wow, RMC Mystère, RMC Mecanic, RMC Talk Info, RMC Talk Sport and RMC) available on the RMC BFM Play streaming platform, the Samsung TV Plus service on Samsung connected TVs, as well as on SFR boxes. “Thanks to the efforts made in 2024 on the CTV componentwe manage to capture rarer audiences, by reaching a younger and more affluent population. It is a relevant device to attract new targetssays Raphaël Porte. L“The development axis on the different digital environments that we will address in 2025 will be, this time, the data and targeting part”he continues.

Read also: CMA CGM Group Acquires Altice Media, Parent Company of BFM-TV and RMC

An interactive advertising offer launched in 2025

At the same time, the group will invest more in social by strengthening the development of social first products such as “Swipe”, which allows the creation of content in vertical format. “Today, the social ecosystem of RMC BFM brands has reached 48 million followers. It is from this particularly massive audience that we have decided to accelerate our presence on social media”confides the director of the agency. Long formats, live events and snackable formats will also be deployed in 360 on this entire ecosystem (YouTube, Twitch and all social networks).

In addition to the various improvements made to the offers already available on the market – such as “Morning Reach” (a screen synchronized between the morning shows of the group’s channels which will include that of BFM2) or “D-One” (intended to boost the launch of campaigns through the broadcast of a spot every hour which will extend to segmented TV) – the RMC BFM advertising agency is planning the launch of the “BFM3D” offer: “Available from the beginning of 2025 and thanks to a QR code system, the latter will give viewers access to a 3D viewing of the products highlighted in the advertising spots broadcast on BFMTV. They will thus be able to check whether a particular object is well suited to their living room.”explains Raphaël Porte.

The development of RMC Story and RMC Découverte

Even if the arrival of the new shareholder has not really changed the group’s roadmap, it is accompanied by a major strategic development with regard to RMC Story and RMC Découverte. “The development of these two channels represents a clear ambition of the new shareholder for next year. This will notably involve the integration of a new cinema slot and the long-awaited return of the show ‘Le Bigdil’ on RMC Story”specifies the director of RMC BFM Ads. With these new investments, the group hopes to reach, taking into account all of its channels, 10% audience share within three years.

Here are the 2025 T&Cs of RMC BFM Ads, according to the agency’s press release:

In July 2024, the RMC BFM Group reached a new stage in its development thanks to its acquisition by CMA CGM, a major player in maritime transport, logistics and media. CMA CGM is investing heavily in innovation, artificial intelligence and decarbonization.

In 2025, RMC BFM Ads will strengthen this unique bond with the French people through an editorial and advertising innovation strategy. With significant investments in content, we will consolidate our position as the 3rd largest private audiovisual agency. Each month, our multi-media brands allow us to reach 52 million French people and total nearly 640 million videos viewed on digital (record season).

Read also: CGV 2024: Altice Media Ads & Connect focuses on CTV and data activations



After a successful launch on Samsung TV Plus of 4 Broadcast channels (BFMTV, BFM Business, RMC Story and RMC Découverte) then 8 FAST channels, RMC BFM Ads is continuing its strategy of hyperdistribution of its content on smart TVs and OS from TCL and new major manufacturers in 2025. This hyperdistribution strategy allows RMC BFM to conquer new audiences, in particular small TV consumers, a target particularly sought after by advertisers. RMC BFM Ads thus carried out a study in July 2024 with Harris Interactive with 928 respondents, in order to better understand the new TV-Video uses and in particular in Connected TV & OTT. The main lesson of this study: CTV owners and OTT consumers are rare audiences (41% of small TV consumers consuming <1 heure / jour), jeunes (45.9 ans de moyenne d'âge soit 12 ans plus jeune que la moyenne TV), et premium (indice d'affinité de 150 sur les hauts revenus > 65k€/year). In 2025, RMC BFM Ads will continue to innovate and will offer Data targeting on its CTV environments, through a catalog of more than 500 available segments (geolocation, sociodemographic, interest, tailor-made).


BFM has become the reference information platform on most levers (TV / Digital / Audio / Local / Social networks) and supported by three powerful brands:

  • BFMTV: France’s leading news channel, 12.5 million views per day, 3rd digital news brand with 201 million visits, and more than 150 million videos viewed per month (sources: Médiamétrie Mediamat, TCE 4+ season 2023-2024; ACPM July 2024, Brightcove July 2024)
  • BFM Locales: 6.1M viewers over the season (+6%), record season (10 local channels), 20M visits per month (sources: Mediamétrie TV Locales September 2023-June 2024, Piano Analytics average season 2023-2024)
  • BFM Business: 1st Eco brand in terms of awareness, 6.9 million French people each month on TV, radio and Digital (sources: IPSOS & Altice 2022 study; Mediamétrie Cross Media 2023)

BFMTV continues its dynamic of innovation with the launch of BFM2, a new news channel offering additional live events that complement those broadcast on BFMTV. From its launch, BFM2 will offer the “L Shape”, an innovative and non-intrusive advertising format broadcast on one side of the screen without interrupting the video content. BFM2 available from September 25 on operator boxes, Connected TV, smartphones, tablets and computers.


The success of the RMC Découverte and RMC Story brands has been built around communities of enthusiasts. The RMC BFM Group will invest heavily in content to strengthen this positioning.

– On RMC Story: – Creation of a cinema slot – The BigDil, the RMC Story event in 2025: after 20 years of absence, the Bigdil is making its big comeback, a game presented by Vincent Lagaf’ – Documentary series on the behind the scenes and the secrets of filming major sagas such as Harry Potter, Fast & Furious, Lord of the Rings – More entertaining, new documentaries, in the period: the history of major popular brands, immersive docs with the INSIDE label (Lays, Coca Cola, etc.) – An unpublished season of Retour à l’instinct primaire – Home theme: XXL Works, the War of the Neighbors – New seasons of Ink Master and Storage Wars in access

– On RMC Découverte: – A new season of Top Gear: 10th anniversary season with an ambitious concept, a great show that will bring together the best creators of mechanical content in France and which will welcome F1 and rally drivers – Still the big licenses: Whealer Dealers France, Top Mecanic – J’irai Dormir chez Vous – Faites Entrer l’Accusé, new season Also find a new season of SOS Garage hosted by Vincent Lagaf’ and Meilleur Forgeron


With a powerful social ecosystem with more than 48M followers and 530M videos viewed per month, RMC BFM brands are particularly well established on social platforms and are breaking audience records: nearly 300M videos viewed on BFMTV and more than 150M on RMC Sport. RMC Sport is the leading European media on Twitch with more than 1.2M videos viewed each month. During the final of the World Table Tennis Team Championships with the Lebrun brothers, RMC Sport recorded more than 470,000 French people live on the Twitch and YouTube channels. On YouTube: 3 channels around our essential brands: RMC Sport, L’After Foot and RMC Sport combat (1.5M subscribers, 20M views per month).

We are accelerating in these new environments both on a new editorial strategy and on the reflections of integrating brands into this new content by launching Swipe, a new native and cross-platform digital editorial offer: new tone, new narration, new incarnations, new way of associating brands with content at the heart of the editorial.

Long formats, event Lives, snackable formats that will live in 360 on the entire ecosystem: YouTube, Twitch & all of our Social Networks.


In 2025, RMC BFM ADS will continue its innovation approach with new products to improve the performance of its customers. Its innovations include:

1. MORNING REACH: The morning reach is evolving with now 3 advertising screens between 6am and 9am. These screens allow advertisers to broadcast their spot on the 14 RMC BFM morning TV shows (BFMTV, RMC Découverte, RMC Story, the 10 BFM Régions and BFM2) simultaneously for maximum emergence. A guarantee of instant coverage unique on TV at this time.

2. ADD REACH SCREENS: RMC BFM continues its desire to offer the strongest coverage to its customers with ADD REACH screens. The concept: on RMC²’s flagship programs with high potential for non-linear audiences, the cut-off screens will be kept on the replay to maximize target coverage.

3. D.ONE: BFMTV’s flagship advertising product promising optimal coverage over a day of communication. D.ONE is evolving in 2025: it now includes the 3 morning reaches to maximize its effectiveness and, above all, the digital TVS part of the system is now measurable and has proven its effectiveness with a coverage contribution of almost 2 points via targeting of small TV consumers.

4. BFM 3D: Boost engagement around your ad with a themed jingle with the presence of a QR Code, providing access to an immersive and interactive experience highlighting your product

5. BFM On Set: This unique and immersive format allows the advertiser editorial exposure with a personalized BFMTV set in the brand’s colors.

6. Local Reach: Address a territory with a channel from the BFM Locales network and in geolocalized Segmented TV on BFMTV, RMC Story and RMC Découverte

7. Quick Boost: Communicate on all BFM Local channels allowing optimal coverage during a short broadcast period, with the broadcast of one spot per hour and geolocated video impressions on BFMTV.com

8. The RMC BFM Ads platform: the agency is launching a new service platform dedicated to media agencies to manage their advertising campaigns on TV, radio and digital.

Source: www.e-marketing.fr