“Romanian Waters”, preparations for floods in Romania

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The “Romanian Waters” National Administration has announced special measures to manage the expected rise in the level of the Danube, following a flood that is expected to enter the territory of Romania between September 28-29. In order to prevent floods and protect the hydrotechnical infrastructure, the authorities are preparing a complex set of actions, including the transport of 1,000 sandbags on the Romanian sector of the river, and the intervention teams will be supplemented with hydrotechnical agents to monitor the condition of the dikes .

According to the announcement, the preparations also include the deployment of essential equipment for the intervention. In the Bechet area, equipment such as bulldozers, excavators with a 14-meter long arm, tractors with trailers and machines for filling sandbags were sent to the Danube-Nedeia Working Group, under the administration of “Apelor Române” Jiu. These are part of a wider strategy aimed at minimizing the risk of flooding and protecting the dykes in the Romanian sector of the Danube, especially in the face of forecast floods.

Risk of flooding in some areas

In a recent post on the official Facebook page of the “Apele Romanian Waters” National Administration, the authorities explained that 1,000 sandbags have already been prepared by colleagues from “Apele Romanian Waters Argeș-Vedea”, bags to be distributed on the critical portions of the Danube dykes. The teams also carried out thorough inspections of all dike sectors under management, checking existing defense works and assessing known critical points. If new vulnerable points are identified, the teams will intervene urgently to ensure the stability of the defense structures.

As part of these preventive measures, the areas designated for the installation of hydrometric gauges, used for water monitoring during periods of high levels, will also be inspected, and the vegetation in those areas will be cleared to ensure an optimal flow of water. This action is essential to prevent water accumulations and to allow the Danube’s waters to drain efficiently.

The seven Water Basin Administrations in Romania have already been notified of the situation and are involved in informing all holders of hydrotechnical flood defense works along the Danube. They were warned about the hydrological forecast issued by the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (INHGA), which confirms the increase in the flow of the Danube in the coming days.

In addition to the measures taken by the “Romanian Waters” Administration, the National Agency for Land Improvements (ANIF) requested a detailed check of critical points, especially at the under-crossings of pipelines through dykes and at pumping stations in the areas under ANIF’s administration. The proper operation of these stations is vital to prevent water accumulations and to quickly evacuate the surplus in the event of a flood.

The equipment prepared for interventions includes, in addition to sandbags, hydro dams, defense panels, pumps, generators and other specific equipment to deal with any emergency situations. In addition, authorities have prepared rescue boats for areas where land access may become difficult due to rising water levels.

The increase in the flow of the Danube has already been confirmed. According to the data provided by the National Institute of Hydrology, the flow of the Danube at the entrance to Romania, at the Baziaș section, reached a level of 5,100 m³/s between September 19-20, significantly above the multi-year average for the month of September, which is 3,800 m³/s s. In Budapest, the Danube flow is currently 7,940 m³/s, and forecasts indicate a maximum value of 8,300 m³/s by September 21, down from the initial estimates of 8,700 m³/s.

These data suggest that the forecasted flood will reach the territory of Romania around the dates of September 28-29, which causes the authorities to intensify protection and monitoring measures. The “Apele Romanian Waters” administration remains vigilant and ready to intervene at any time to prevent critical situations and to ensure the safety of hydrotechnical infrastructures and communities along the Danube.

Source: www.doctorulzilei.ro