Rui Rocha is not committed to the future presidential race, but remembers the past to say that the party’s ideas were always for the game. In the municipal dossier, he guarantees that everything is in the hands of local structures. For Luís Montenegro, an understanding with the liberals with a view to local elections is on the table, but for now Rui Rocha has no news and only remembers that the party “has its electoral weight”.
Among all the facts that pass through our hands, political facts are our favorites. With journalist Diogo Teixeira Pereira, we will try to discover them between the lines of the speeches and in conversations with the protagonists of the political week. In the end, we make a political weather forecast for the following days which, if everything goes as expected, will almost always fail. Fato Político, every Saturday on SIC Notícias and on podcast.