Russia Accuses Estonia of Desecrating Remains of Soviet Soldiers

The country continues to dismantle plaques with the names of Soviet soldiers.

Estonia is dismantling monuments to Soviet soldiers and exhuming their remains. This was stated by the Russian ambassador to Tallinn, Lenar Salimullin, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Tallinn’s liberation from Nazi occupation, writes “RIA Novosti».

He stressed that “Tallinn is mocking those who, at the cost of their own lives, gave freedom to the current generation of Estonians.” The diplomat added that exhuming the remains of those who fought the “brown plague” has become a recent trend.

The ambassador noted that such outrages often take place, and this happens against the backdrop of respectful attitudes towards monuments to Nazi collaborators. Thus, at the Tallinn military cemetery, the slabs with the names of 38 Soviet Army servicemen were dismantled, and their ashes were raised. The same was done with regard to the graves in Ilmatsalu in Tartu.

These are “acts of state vandalism aimed at revising the results of World War II,” Salimullin emphasized.

It was previously reported that Russians may be deprived of the right to buy real estate in Estonia.

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