Russia has announced that it will not be there at the second peace conference either

In her statement, Marija Zaharova stated that the second conference will have the same goal as the June summit in Switzerland: to “promote the illusory Zelensky formula as the basis for managing the conflict, gain the support of the majority of countries, and give Russia an ultimatum on capitulation.”

We will not participate in such summits – he stated, adding that

the procedure is another scam by the Anglo-Saxons and their Ukrainian puppets, and it has nothing to do with resolving the conflict.

Zaharova stated that Russia is ready to discuss “really serious proposals” that also take into account the situation on the battlefield. Russia did not receive an invitation to the Swiss conference in June, but Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the leaders of several Western states said that the next peace conference should be held with Russian participation.

The cover image is an illustration. Cover image source: Getty Images
