Russia intends to punish foreigners for “Russophobia”: what will this mean for Lithuanians?

The draft law proposes to introduce Article 136.1 “Rusophobia” of the Criminal Code, which would provide for liability for discriminatory actions against Russian citizens and compatriots abroad and for public calls for such actions.

Article 12 of the Criminal Code will also be amended, extending its application to foreigners who live in Russia permanently and have committed crimes against compatriots without Russian citizenship. In addition, part of Article 247 of the Criminal Code will be amended, allowing in some cases to examine cases of minor and moderate crimes without the presence of the accused.

Personal archive photo. / Dmitrijus Savinas

Hysteria and revenge

Russian political expert and historian Dmitrijus Savinas claims that this legal initiative could have been prompted by the actions of the Baltic countries, including the nationalization of the Russian House in Riga, which caused an extremely inadequate hysterical reaction of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“They are trying so hard to show that the sphere of influence of the Russian special services has increased, that they will now be able to terrorize foreigners as well, but all this is just blowing the fog.
