Matteo Salvini, after being acquitted in the trial Open Arms, has begun to express a desire to return to leading the Interior Ministry. Too bad for him that the leaders of his two government allies, i.e Forza Italia e Brothers of Italy, as far as the Ministry of the Interiorhave made him understand that there is neither the desire nor the need at this moment to carry out a reshuffle. He also spoke out explicitly on the topic Antonio Tajani, Italian leader and Foreign Minister.
Salvini aims to return to the Interior Ministry, Tajani invites him to take care of other things
Outside the Senate, Saturday 28 December, the leader of the Legaas he has already done on several occasions in recent days, has once again revealed his intention to return to the Interior Ministry.
In particular he said that he would like to have a discussion with the current Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosiand with the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni. Scope? Understand whether there is room for him to move from the Ministry of Infrastructure to the department he so desires.
“At the Ministry of the Interior there is a minister, Matteo Piantedosi, who is working very well, Salvini seems to me to have another job”, declared Antonio Tajani with the microphones turned off at Daily Fact.
“Salvini – added Forza Italia’s number one – is the Minister of Infrastructure and has very important and demanding dossiers on his table. He will have to start building the Bridge over the Strait: this already seems like a very demanding task to me and would already be very important.”
In fact, Tajani, in moderate but decisive tones, invited Salvini to abandon the question of his hypothetical return to the Interior Ministry. The Foreign Minister he added, regarding the reshuffle, that “it is usually done when things don’t work and this government instead he’s doing very well, he’s working great: at the moment there’s no need to change anything.”
Brothers of Italy agree with Tajani: “No reshuffle”
Tajani’s thoughts are also shared by Fratelli d’Italia. “You can talk about anything, but today the conditions are not in place, the conditions for proceeding with a reshuffle are lacking,” he explained to the Corriere della Sera the president of the group FdI to the House Bignami,
“Salvini – he added – expresses a legitimate ambition. He was acquitted and can rightly claim to have acted as Minister of the Interior in compliance with the law. We are also very happy with that absolutionabout which we had few doubts. But the government team will meet again if the conditions are met. And they aren’t there. Instead, the stability that no other executive in Europe can boast must be protected.”
Bignami then underlined that Fitto and Fotie Sangiuliano and Giuli they were nothing more than rotations. It would be very different if the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Infrastructure were involved because “it would be a de facto reshuffle. The activity of two central ministries would be blocked for two months.”
Salvini isolated
For now, therefore, Salvini remains isolated and without support in the majority regarding his desire to return to the top of the Interior Ministry. Neither Forza Italia nor Fratelli d’Italia have any desire to upset the balance of government.