Samsung attacks Apple again in an ad using one of its most famous slogans

Samsung wants to give lessons in originality at Apple’s expense!

Samsung’s latest Galaxy Z Flip6 ad takes inspiration from Apple

Apple is the nemesis of many technology companies and they do not hesitate to demonstrate it. In their most recent advertisement, Samsung has been inspired by one of Apple’s best advertising campaigns to highlight its devicesrepeating a practice that already seems to be customary and for which there is sufficient evidence. All without Apple responding.

The announcement of Samsung focuses on alleged lack of innovation in iPhone designpresenting a line of identical and boring smartphones, in an attempt to highlight the innovation of its Galaxy Z Flip6.

Samsung uses an old and boring tactic to talk about originality

Just like the iconic campaign “Think Different” de AppleSamsung’s commercial features a minimalist aesthetic with a predominance of black and white, a typography similar to Apple Garamond and a narrative structure that culminates with a striking message.

Launched in 1997, the campaign features influential visionaries such as Jim Henson and Pablo Picasso, with the aim of demonstrating that some of the greatest artistic creations and inventions were possible thanks to challenging the world, as the company was doing at the time with the Mac.

The difference is that While Apple used its campaign to position itself as an innovative and disruptive brand, Samsung limited itself to contrasting its foldable mobile phone with a line of iPhones apparently identical, all under the slogan “different”.

And while Samsung has a point, as the iPhone’s design has evolved more gradually than other devices, No one disputes that, with few exceptions, Apple has always prioritized functionality and user experience over radical aesthetic changes. And all this without needing competition to make it known.

Placing Apple at the center of controversy is a proven strategy for competitors when it comes to advertising. But Taking advantage of Apple’s “weaknesses” is not always enough to make another product stand out.

At the moment, Samsung is one of the few companies offering foldable smartphones. And Apple has never confirmed whether there are plans for a similar launch.

Some reports suggest that Apple is too picky to release a foldable iPhone right now, and will instead develop devices with foldable screens until they achieve perfection.

Still, without “competition,” foldable phone dominance seems a long way off.

For its part, Apple has decided to focus on optimizing its operating system driven by the development of Artificial Intelligencekeeping all eyes on their latest releases.

Today, the company is celebrating the official launch of its iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro Max in its physical stores around the world. For the celebration, it has decorated its most beautiful Apple Store to match Apple Intelligence, making it clear that design is important, but being different is about many other things.

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