SanDisk DeskDrive im Test – connect

Power users will appreciate this mass storage device. The DeskDrive from SanDisk not only looks classy, ​​it also has modern technology behind the chic facade. With this storage product, SanDisk is addressing less the PC owner, but rather those users among us who use a notebook for all the challenges of digital life. The hard drive was 8 terabytes of NVMe SSD storage The drive is powered by an external power supply; a power supply unit is included.

The fact that this expansion memory is connected to a power supply should not be forgotten when considering its intended use. The DeskDrive is designed for stationary use on the desk, preferably not far from a notebook, and not for transporting data.

If you want to transport very large amounts of data securely with an SSD, you can do so with a Samsung Portable SSD T5 EVO, for example, and draw the necessary operating power exclusively from the USB-C 3.0 port. The T5 EVO is also available with eight terabytes, but in our last test it only achieved about half the speed of the DeskDrive.

Test results from the laboratory

With a maximum reading rate of 955 MByte/s This mobile SSD convinced the testers in the laboratory, not only because this value meets the specification of USB 3.2 Gen 2, but also because our benchmark tool has already determined this high transfer rate for very small files of 512 KByte. Equally impressive is the corresponding Write value of 927 MByte/swhich was already achieved with this small file size. The sequential write and read speeds we determined were also very satisfactory for the lab testers, at 928 and 906 MByte/s respectively. In all of the tests mentioned, the T5 EVO was only able to achieve around half the speed; for example, sequential reading achieved 425 MByte/s.

The averaged The SanDisk reached access time of 0.09 msThe Samsung T5 managed 0.10 ms and was practically on par. A not unimportant measurement is the continuous reading of the memory; here we take a value when reading the entire memory. The SanDisk achieves a speed of 334 MByte/s – a top value. For comparison: The T5 is a bit behind at 281 MByte/s. This value is important, for example, for content creators who outsource very large projects and work on them from there.

The DeskDrive got up to 54°C hot in the test, which is not uncritical.

Conclusion: SanDisk DeskDrive

The DeskDrive is primarily aimed at notebook users who want to set up a high-quality, high-performance work environment on their desk. It is not really designed for the frequent transport of large amounts of data – simply because of the power supply required.
