Say goodbye to forehead wrinkles

July 11, 2024,

Wrinkles on the forehead are a problem for many women and men. They can be a sign of aging, sometimes stress, and create a tired and frowny appearance. Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of them.

Whatever bothers you fine lines or deep wrinkles, know that you are not alone with them. Sooner or later, forehead wrinkles appear on everyone. But the question is whether to put up with them or try them out wrinkle removal aesthetic procedure. It is a proven anti-aging option and if you choose a proven clinic like the one in Prague
BcD Clinicyou are guaranteed a professionally done job.

A smooth forehead will make you look several years younger

Wrinkles on the forehead are really visible and the deeper ones can only be hidden by a layer of makeup. Fighting them in a natural way and stopping facial expressions is already a lost battle, and if you don’t want to put up with wrinkles, you can go another way. What kind procedures to remove forehead wrinkles
can you try

Smoothing forehead wrinkles with botulinum toxin

By applying botulinum toxin will ensure skin rejuvenation and reduction of wrinkles, especially horizontal wrinkles in the forehead area. Wrinkle removal with botulinum toxin it takes place in such a way that the substance is injected into the mimic muscle, which is thereby disabled. The forehead muscle is unable to contract and the skin above it becomes smooth.

Wrinkle fillers with hyaluronic acid – immediate smoothing of wrinkles

If the wrinkles are very deep, this method is suitable smoothing out wrinkles by applying hyaluronic acid directly under the wrinkle. The effect of filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid is immediate, you will see it immediately after the procedure. Wrinkle smoothing with hyaluronic acid is ideal for deep wrinkles on the sides of the forehead.

Smoothing forehead wrinkles using 3D thread lifting

Art lifting neboli 3D lifting is performed with 3D cogs threads (polydioxanone absorbable fibers with teeth, or polylactic acid), when the skin is lifted and closed using counter-directed teeth. Thread lifting is mainly used to strengthen the forehead on the sides and raise the eyebrows. Even with this method of smoothing out wrinkles, the result is immediate and the lifting effect lasts 9 – 24 months.

Forehead rejuvenation in several stages

Other procedures are also used to remove wrinkles on the forehead, and it is good to combine them so that their effect is as good as possible. These include in particular:

  • CO2 fractional rejuvenation: Laser wrinkle smoothing for coarser sun-damaged skin.
  • Mesotherapy: Application of hydrating, nourishing and regenerating solutions directly into the upper and middle layers of the skin.
  • Plasma therapy: Activation of skin cells based on the application of own plasma.
  • Microneedle radiofrequency: Introduction of thermal energy to the target tissue using microneedles.

It is important to remember that none of these procedures are permanent and wrinkles will return over time. You can also slow down the aging process and maintain a more youthful appearance by following a healthy lifestyle and skin care. Remember that the most important thing is to feel good in your own skin. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you do it for yourself and not to meet the expectations of others.
