Scientists are testing hemp pomace in the nutrition of farm animals

Brno – Scientists are testing how they could replace pressed hemp seeds with soy and fish meal in the nutrition of farm animals and fish. The first results are positive, the press has very good nutritional values. Scientists have been striving for a replacement for a long time due to the fact that fish and soymeal are problematic foods from several points of view, Lucie Všetičková from the Institute of Zoology, Fisheries, Hydrobiology and Beekeeping of the Faculty of Agriculture of Mendel University stated in a press release.

So far, scientists are testing how carp react to the addition of hemp to their diet, which received it in their diet in proportions of five, ten and fifteen percent. “Hemp pomace is produced during cold pressing of hemp seeds. By pressing, the oil is removed from them, which is further used in the feed industry, but also in the cosmetic or pharmaceutical industry. The pomace contains only a residual amount of oil up to ten percent and a high amount of protein (30 to 35 percent) and have an ideal ratio of essential and fatty acids,” said Všetičková. Hemp extracts are especially intended for farm animals with a weight deficit, to support the formation of muscle mass, for pregnant and lactating females, animals convalescing after illness or demanding sports performance, as well as old animals. For fish, it is primarily a source of protein.

According to previous studies, the best results were achieved by carp that received a ten percent proportion of hemp pulp in their feed. ” Both in the production parameters and in the content of alpha-linolenic acid in the muscle. A higher addition is not suitable due to the increased content of fiber contained in the husks of pressed hemp seeds. Fiber is indigestible for fish and, in higher amounts, negatively affects the digestibility of other nutrients ” said Všetičková.

Alpha-linolenic acid, which is one of the unsaturated fatty acids, enters the body of fish through the food chain, mainly from plankton. It is indispensable not only for fish and has a number of functions in the body, but fish are not able to synthesize it themselves. If the fish does not have access to natural food, the feed is a source not only of nutrients, but also of all essential substances.

In general, vegetable oils are very poor in unsaturated fatty acid content, but this is not the case for linseed, hemp and milk thistle oil. “Thanks to the addition of these oils to the feed, fish can subsequently be a good source of nutrients for humans. For example, thanks to the addition of linseed to fish feed, cholesterol has been reduced among consumers of this meat,” said Všetičková.

Currently, the trend is to look for replacements for soy and fishmeal, which are the two most common sources of protein in fish feed. Both are imported to Europe and are quite expensive. “Furthermore, soy is a crop that is very often genetically modified. Fishmeal is nutritionally ideal for fish as a source of protein, but unfortunately it is produced from small species of fish caught in the sea. And with regard to the ever-decreasing numbers of not only fish, but of all marine animals, this way of obtaining a feed commodity is not very friendly to nature and is not sustainable,” said Všetičková.

CR food breeding science hemp
