Next month, Sustainable Development Forum puts Belgrade at the center of global conversations about green transition and sustainable development, bringing together key actors from international organizations, the academic community, governments and business. November 14 and 15, SDF 2024 will bring together many international experts and leaders in the field of sustainability, who will present their experiences and strategies for facing the most important global challenges of today. This event of unique proportions brings speakers and content that Belgrade has never had the opportunity to see before.

What makes this event special is the partnership with by the University of Cambridgewhose leading experts will share their knowledge in Belgrade. This kind of partnership further emphasizes the importance of the conference on a global level and puts Belgrade in the focus of world debates on sustainability.

The professor stands out among the speakers Michael Polit (Michael Pollitt) from Cambridge, one of the world’s leading energy experts. Horhe Laguna-Selis (Jorge Laguna-Celis), director of UNEP One Planet Network-a and one of the world’s leading experts on sustainable production and consumption, will present global challenges and solutions in this area. Lord Martin ReesAstronomer Royal, former President of the British Academy of Sciences and one of the world’s most recognized scientists and thinkers, will connect science and sustainability through a global view of the challenges facing the planet.

In addition to academic leaders, there are also high-ranking representatives of international organizations and embassies. Ambassadors of Great Britain, Edward Fergusoni Sweden, Charlotte Collectorwill address the participants, which further confirms the importance SDF-a as key platforms for global dialogue on sustainable development. Matilde Mordtthe resident coordinator of the UN in Serbia, will set the global framework of the conference, while the Minister of Mining and Energy of Serbia, Dubravka Handanović Đedovićto present domestic efforts in the energy transition. The presence of the Minister of Science of Serbia, Jelena Begovićwill emphasize the importance of innovation and science.

Participation in the conference was confirmed by numerous representatives of leading international and domestic companies. The organizers say that this is just the beginning of what they have prepared during the two days of the program.

A program that changes the rules of the game
The triple planetary crisis – climate change, pollution and loss of biodiversity – will be the central theme of the conference, with discussion on global environmental challenges and the disputed pace of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda. Panels will explore how to transform production processes and promote sustainable consumption, which is vital importance for companies that want to remain competitive in sustainable business.

Special attention will be paid to developing countries, which, although they contribute the least to climate change, are most affected by its effects. Health and productivity will be the focus of one of the panels, in which he participates International Labour Organization (ILO)and the speakers will deal with the issue of how environmental degradation directly affects health, and then causally on productivity and economic performance.

The challenges of financing the green transition will be highlighted through discussions on the role of large financial institutions, such as European investment banksin support of sustainable initiatives. Experts from IRENA-e (International Agency for Renewable Energy Sources), which will show how global cooperation can accelerate the deployment of renewable energy sources around the world.

A special focus will be placed on the role of science and technology, especially artificial intelligence, in the fight against climate change and the acceleration of the green transition. In addition to Minister Begović, high representatives will also speak on this topic UNECE(United Nations Economic Commission for Europe), which plays a key role in defining global policies that support these processes, which will open up space for the exchange of ideas and experiences at the highest level.

SDF 2024: An opportunity to connect and take action
This conference is not only an opportunity to hear world leaders and experts, but also a platform for establishing new partnerships, exchanging ideas and discovering innovative opportunities for cooperation. Participants will have the opportunity to learn how to apply global practices at the local level, whether through business projects, political initiatives or academic research.

For everyone who wants to be part of this global change, SDF 2024 offers a unique opportunity to learn about the latest trends and solutions in the green transition and to contribute to shaping a sustainable future.

More information is available on the official website of the conference –

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