Seasonic launched a 2200W power supply for the most demanding users

Pchá, forget about weak kilowatt power supplies suitable for a set that runs Notepad. Two thousand two hundred watts, that’s the right amount for a non-hungry PC!

I don’t know about you, but for now I’m happy with a power source with only 650W. It’s true that I don’t even have the latest models of the most popular components such as the i9-14900K, RTX 4090 or Radeon 7900 XTX. Each of these shops claims a good hundreds of watts. And when the set already consumes almost a thousand watts, it is clear that a 1000W power supply is not enough, it would sweat the capacitors under load and would certainly soon recommend itself to silicon heaven. You shouldn’t skimp on resources (mostly everyone figures this out on their own) and it’s good to have a sufficient reserve. Especially when you’re running a workstation with multiple GPUs, CPUs, disk arrays, and all in all, it’s a powerful device.

This is what Seasonic has in mind with its Prime PX-2200 source. It meets the ATX 3.1 and PCIe Gen 5.1 standards, has 80 Plus Platinum certification and 92% efficiency at 50% load. And on top of that, it has a 12-year warranty. Of course, it also runs completely silently if it is not fully loaded, because due to the efficiency, it is not necessary to turn on the fan. The wiring is fully modular and there is enough of it in the package that you can hang on it. For now, we still have to wait for the final launch and price (in Europe at the end of September), but we don’t have to be Čaryfuk to guess that the price tag will be hefty.

And technical specifications from the manufacturer’s website.
