Semmelweis University’s educational video helps people living with multiple sclerosis

Photo: zerbor ©

Multiple sclerosis, also referred to as the disease with a thousand faces, is three times more common in women than in men. The first symptoms typically appear between the ages of 20 and 40. The symptoms of a chronic autoimmune disease are very diverse, and its progress varies from individual to individual. Since the disease often makes the daily activities of those affected impossible, it is very important to start rehabilitation and complex development in time after the diagnosis. Semmelweis University’s educational video helps with this.

The disease affects the nervous system and damages the myelin sheath, which is responsible for impulse conduction and covers the nerve fibers like a protective sheath. Numbness, coordination and balance disorders are among the main symptoms, but vision problems, fatigue, or disordered regulation of thinking and emotional functions are common. Several factors can be behind the development of the disease – from genetic predisposition to viral infections to the harmful effects of the environment – says Anna Burián Fehér, conductor of the Pető András Faculty of Semmelweis University.

In order for people living with multiple sclerosis to maintain their activity and independence for as long as possible, it is worth contacting a specialist dealing with movement development as soon as possible after the diagnosis. Thanks to the individual development plan prepared in this way, personalized solutions and activities help to maintain and develop the condition. The Department of Rehabilitation and Health Care of the Pető András Faculty of Semmelweis University welcomes those involved for a conductive pedagogic session!

The instructional video below provides assistance to those who walk without an aid or with minimal support and are able to maintain their balance by leaning on it.

A konduktív pedagógia célja az önálló életvitel kialakítása vagy minél további fenntartása, az egyén aktivizálása, a társadalomban elfoglalt helyének megteremtése, megőrzése. A feladatok egyes szám első személyben hangoznak el, elvégzésükhöz időtartamot adunk meg számolással – ez a módszer a központi idegrendszeri sérüléssel élők rehabilitációs nevelési rendszerének, vagyis a konduktív nevelésnek az egyik eszköze. Ezzel – az úgy nevezett ritmikus intendálással – az a cél, hogy elegendő időt és megfelelő ritmust adjon magának az egyén a feladatok, cselekvések elvégzése közben.

Video – Semmelweis University: Tamara Bartincki, Márton Bak, Nándor Grőger, Bettina Gál, Eszter Kovács, István Krasznay, Attila Kucsa, Zétény Varga, Mihály Veszelovszky, Anita Zsemlye

Source: Semmelweis University
