Seoul National University Hospital selected as the best hospital for stroke registration project < Health & Beauty < Article

Seoul National University Hospital (CEO Woong Joo) announced on the 21st that it was selected as the ‘2024 Stroke Registration Project Best Hospital’ at the ‘2024 Korean Stroke Network’ held at the President Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul, hosted by the Korean Stroke Society.

The Korean Stroke Registry collects data on patients with acute stroke and transient ischemic attacks in Korea, and aims to monitor, evaluate, and improve the quality of stroke care in Korea.

The Korean Stroke Society’s Korean Stroke Registry Operation Committee selected the best hospital among the 87 hospitals nationwide participating in the project as of 2024, considering the hospitals with the most registrations in the stroke registry project in 2023 and the query rate (registry, data entry rate).

Ewha Seoul Hospital operates a regional emergency medical center capable of treating acute stroke 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and excellent medical staffs use cutting-edge medical equipment to quickly and accurately treat patients with cerebrovascular diseases. Based on the high level of medical care and high satisfaction of patients, Ewha Medical Center opened the Ewha Cerebrovascular Hospital in May of last year to specialize in managing and caring for stroke diseases.

Song Tae-jin, director of the Department of Neurology at the Seoul National University Hospital, said, “We shared the results, including professional treatment guidelines for acute stroke treatment and monitoring the effects of treatment on patients’ conditions after discharge,” and emphasized, “We will work to accumulate large-scale, comprehensive data for stroke research to help with stroke treatment.”

(From left) Professor Oh Choong-geun of the Department of Neurology, Nurse Park Seo-hee, and Director Song Tae-jin of the Department of Neurology at Ewha Womans University Hospital
