Serbia Does Apples: where do we stand in terms of apple production?

The apple picking season this year started earlier due to climate change, already with the first days of August. But the harvest is not over yet. Although the apples are not completely peeled, the export has already started. The first shipments arrived on the markets of the Middle East, the European Union and the Russian Federation. According to the representatives of the organization Serbia Does Apples, the yield is expected to decrease by about a third compared to last season. That reduction will result in a total production of 370,000 to 380,000 tons of apples.

Gojko Zagorac, director of Serbia Does Apples, said that significant quantities of apples have been delivered so far: 7,800 tons to the Middle East, 7,600 tons to the European Union and 3,265 tons to the Russian Federation. Harvesting continues, and current activities are focused on picking varieties such as fuji and granny smith, while some plantations are picking club apple varieties. Estimates indicate that this year’s production will be 25 to 30 percent less compared to last season.

Fruit growers who grow apples notice a decrease in yield of 15 to 20 percent. At the same time, it should be pointed out that they are not satisfied with the quality of all varieties, especially red apples. However, despite these challenges, there is optimism when it comes to apple marketing. Finally, it should be taken into account that there will also be fewer apples in the European Union. Even the largest European producer, Poland, records a decrease in production. Therefore, fruit growers expect to be able to sell their apples on export markets at prices that will enable them to cover their costs.

Photo by Arno Senoner on Unsplash

The Serbian apple meets domestic needs…for now

As for the domestic market, it is expected that the quantity of apples will be sufficient to meet the needs of Serbia. These needs normally range between 200,000 and 250,000 tons per year. This means that more than 100,000 tons will be available for export. During the last season, from August 2023 to July 2024, Serbia exported 155,000 tons of this fruit, generating an income of 112 to 113 million euros. The average export price last season was 0.73 euros per kilogram.

This year, prices are slightly higher, so apples are currently sold abroad at an average price of 0.87 euros per kilogram. Despite yield and quality challenges, market demand, especially from abroad, provides a chance for domestic producers to achieve satisfactory results and cover production costs.

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With the end of the harvest and more precise data on the total yield, it will be possible to make accurate estimates of the amount of apples that will be available for export and domestic needs.

Source: Diary
