Serbia – Solar and wind auctions in November

The Ministry of Mining and Energy of Serbia plans to announce the second round of auctions for the allocation of quotas for the construction of solar power plants and wind farms in November this year. The Ministry says that they are working on the preparation of the regulatory framework for the second round of auctions, as well as that the quotas should be in accordance with the prepared three-year plan.

Rade Mrdak, advisor for renewable energy sources at the Ministry of Mining and Energy, says that announcing the auctions in November is “our wish, but we will see how things develop, that month is set as the goal”. He spoke about this and other topics at the panel discussion of the conference “Economy on the road to green transition” organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia (AmCham Serbia).

During the continuation of the discussion on the first auctions, the moderator Petar Mitrović, from the Karanović & Partners law office, said that the auctions will now also be subject to a new criterion introduced by last year’s amendments to the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources.

Photo: AmCham Serbia

Other participants in the panel discussion were Davor Pupovac, Director of the Sector for Market Analysis and Risk Management at “Electric Power Industry of Serbia”, Nenad Šijaković, Advisor to the General Director for International and Regulatory Affairs at “Elektromreža Srbije”, Dalibor Nikolić, Director of the DEES Management Directorate at ” Elektrodistribucija Srbije” and Jovan Šljivić, senior manager at the consulting firm KPMG, while Maja Turković, CWP Europe, was present alongside Mitrović, the moderator.

The panelists presented the amendments to the Law on Energy and Newspapers to the participants, especially in terms of the newly introduced concept of “active customer”, assumptions for the successful implementation of this institute and the different roles that the guaranteed supplier, transmission and distribution system operators will have in this process. The panel also discussed changes in the procedures for connection to the distribution and transmission network, as well as plans for further improvements to the system’s capacity. One part of the discussion was also devoted to the possibilities for harmonizing the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and possible ways in which the economy can reduce its direct and indirect CO2 emissions.

Stefan Lazarevic, President of the Board of Directors of AmCham Serbia, during the opening address, said that the consistent implementation of the Green Agenda is one of the most important reforms required by the members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia (AmCham Serbia). And that energy as part of the Green Agenda is a key factor in the further decarbonization of the economy.

“Decarbonization of the economy is necessary for companies to be competitive on the European Union market, which is, among other things, our largest export market, but also for all of us, citizens, to breathe clean air. The American Chamber of Commerce is satisfied with the good and constructive cooperation with the Ministry of Mining and Energy on many issues, as well as with the progress achieved so far in the field of energy. In the coming period, it will be important for us to monitor the consistent application of new legal solutions that will enable further investments by companies in their own capacities for the production of green energy, further development of large projects in the field of renewable energy sources, as well as their mutual symbiosis, through Corporate contracts on the purchase of electricity of energy”, says Lazarevic.

Stefan Srbljanović, State Secretary in the Ministry of Mining and Energy, points out that amendments to the Energy Act should improve the functioning of the energy system and enable greater energy security both in the immediate and in the future, in the period of transition to clean energy sources.

The conference “Economy on the path of green transition” was organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia.

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