SFEROPOULOS ON THE TEAM, AMBITIONS, REINFORCEMENTS: How the red and white coach convinced Kenan to sign for Zvezda! (PHOTO+VIDEO) – Euroleague, Basketball

“This is a roster that gives us more confidence than last year, the strategy is to be more athletic, and the second parameter is to have three players for each position, to cover potential injuries that appear during the season.”

Coach of the basketball club Red Star, Janis Sferopulos had the opportunity to present his team and strategy for the upcoming season at the red and white media day.

During the conference, Spheropulos revealed that he was personally involved in creating the current roster and negotiating the signing of new players.

This roster was made by me, the management, our owner, these were our first choices, which is important to point out. This is a roster that gives us more confidence than last year, the strategy is to be more athletic, and the second parameter is to have three players for each position, to cover potential injuries that appear during the season. The third parameter is that we have experienced players, along with players from last year, who played a big role, mainly with local players, and with the newcomers we added to this base, we believe that we have made a roster sufficient to fight in all three competitions that we won, but also in the Euroleague so that he can compete and fight for the Top 10.

At the press conference, Spheropulos was asked about the current topic among the red and white fans – the possible transfer of Filip Petrushev, which has been the subject of numerous speculations lately. The coach replied that the situation was not in the hands of Red Star.

– Petrushev is still an Olympiakos player, they decide, we don’t know anything – he stated Janis Sferopulos for Sports club.

When asked if he would like to Petrushev becomes part of his team, Sferopoulos further explained:

Of course, he is a Serbian player, but he is up to Olympiakos, not us, because he has a contract with Olympiakos.

Spheropulos then spoke about his work during the summer and preparations for the season:

When the summer comes, my job is different, I still work for the club for 12 months, I worked during the summer, we had to agree all the details, we are constantly on the phone with the management, about reinforcements, preparations, on the other hand, I had moments to rest with family and children, this is the period when we work and rest, but now I’m ready for the season.

The coach emphasized that the pressure of the fans does not affect him, but that he sets high expectations for himself:

The pressure from the fans, I understand, everyone wants you to win, but I’ve always worked in clubs like this, I don’t like to work where it doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, I like to work in these conditions, I put pressure on myself, you always play under difficult conditions, it is something we build every day and that we will play and show during the match. I know that everyone has high expectations, but I have higher expectations than everyone.

When asked about the large number of local players in the team, Sferopoulos said:

Maybe, but for me, I have a philosophy, whoever I coach, to have the best local player, that was when I was in Olympiakos and we had success. It was similar in Maccabi. This is what I want here. When I arrived, we had a lot of Serbian players, but I wanted us to have as many local players as possible, with that you preserve the character of the team and also they know each other, most of them are national team members, you have something that is not easy to find, that connection. That is a big part of my philosophy, that’s why we continue to increase the number of domestic players.

PHOTO: Starsport

He also referred to the arrival Nikola Kalinić and his potential role as a leader:

Yes, Kalinić and Mekintajer were my first signing options. I am happy to coach Kalinić, when we played against him, it was always difficult to guard him. I told him I was happy to finally train him. We want his leadership, quality, that’s why we brought him. He is also Serbian, he was one of my priorities. Of course he will be one of the leaders, we have Theo, him, Kodi, Kanan, players who can lead the team on the second day, when someone is not doing well, the other can “kill” the rival. Jago also, I expect him to play better, Gedraitis, Bolomboj, they can give much more this season.

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Spheropulos also stated that he expects the Euroleague to be even more demanding this season:

I think we have teams that will bring quality. I don’t want to reveal names. Most teams want to improve their rosters, I think the Euroleague will be difficult. Many are considered favorites for the Final Four, but the season is unpredictable, injuries, many things can happen, on paper there is only one thing. We are also better on paper, but we will see how it will be in reality, we have to work hard to get the best. There are a lot of players who came from the NBA, I think it will be a much tougher competition for every team.

He also revealed how he convinced Ajzeu Kenana to come to Red star:

We have to understand that my club, Crvena zvezda, which I love very much, is not the primary option for top level players. We were third from the back last year. A player who played in the Final Four, it is not easy to bring him. I talked to all the players, we said that we have better conditions, the team is better, we want to be competitive in the Euroleague, I think that the environment and everything else has been improved and we are trying to make a better team both on and off the field, because our expectations are big. He understood that we wanted to be very competitive and that’s why I convinced him to come.

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PHOTO: Starsport

When reporters asked Spheropulosa about the statement Trinkieria yes it will Star to be safe among the teams that will advance to the playoffs, the coach was cautious:

I can say that I will go to the moon. I’m not a coach who likes to overlook, I can’t predict, anything in life. It is important for us to be competitive, of course we want to continue the competition after the regular season, we can be tenth, or we can be unsuccessful. We go match by match, we don’t think much in advance and what will happen, because nobody knows what will happen in the future, I don’t have a crystal ball, it’s mine to prepare the match, to put every victory in the bag and to fill the bag to the end. I’ll thank him when I see him.

Spheropulos said that he is not yet ready to make statements in the Serbian language:

Not yet, because I didn’t have lessons during the summer, I will start again, I haven’t had time yet, but I hope that at the end of the season I will be able to speak Serbian. I understand much better, I can’t speak yet, but I will try. Cyrillic is different from our script, s, ć, č, we don’t have those letters, but I’m learning. I understand a lot – he pointed out Spheropulos.

Finally, Sferopoulos outlined his goals for the season:

To be healthy and to succeed in our goals. I want everything, we’ll see what happens – he concluded Spheropulos.

Source: hotsport.rs