Share your memories of the wild times of event technology with the LEaT community

Rock’n’Roll and the roots of the event industry


For today’s World Music Day, LEaT con 24 invites you to take a journey back to the beginnings of event technology. We’ve collected anecdotes and pictures from the industry – and now we want to see and read your photos and stories from the rock’n’roll days!

Do you still remember the time when halogen headlights were covered with colorful adhesive foil and laboriously lifted up? After setting up, the obligatory beer was enjoyed with the bands before moving on to the next venue. In those wild times of the 70s and 90s, the industry felt like a big, family community.

Anecdotes from the industry

Torsten Jacobs, Bonn 1979
Torsten Jacobs, Bonn 1979 (Image: Private)

Torsten Jacobs from Neumann&Müller Veranstaltungstechnik remembers: “My first job in 1979: on the 12-channel ADB desk, ADB dimmer and 12 Museco lens spotlights at a school party. ‘Kotzi’, the guitarist, said: ‘Hey, your light really turned me on.’ I stuck with it. Not when it comes to lighting, but when it comes to event technology.” Click here for the full story!

Marcus Leyendecker from Leyendecker GmbH also looks back on his beginnings: “Techno in the 90s: A PA so loud that the glasses in the hall jumped out of the display cases. The customer was thrilled – and there was a big tip as a thank you.” You can find the whole anecdote here!

Share your story with us!

On the occasion of World Music Day, we call on you to share your own stories. Do you still have memories of your first shows or photos of your legendary equipment? Post your special moments Instagram or LinkedIntag @leatcon and use the hashtag #LEaTcon24. We will share the best contributions with the entire community!

From rock’n’roll to the high-tech future

What used to be often improvised is now a highly professional field. The events industry has developed rapidly, characterized by technological innovations. LEaT con 24 shows you how modern event technology takes your events to a new level. Look forward to the latest solutions, trends and best practices that are shaping the future of the event industry.

Secure your ticket for LEaT con 24 now and experience the innovations in event technology live!

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