She knocked her rival off her bike just before the finish line. Egyptian woman lost the Olympics after public anger and ended her career – Cycling

Egyptian cyclist Šád Sajedová ended her career in a shameful way. She was supposed to go to the Olympics, but due to a violent incident a few months ago, she lost her nomination.

The collision occurred at the Egyptian national championship in April. According to the video footage, Sajedová deliberately bumped into Ganna Eliwa, who fell off her bicycle and suffered multiple injuries. It happened 300 meters before the finish line.

Despite this, the Egyptian Cycling Union nominated Sajedova to the team for the Olympic Games in Paris.

However, when the video went viral on social media, the union came under fire from fans.

The Ministry of Sports has called on the National Olympic Committee to investigate the whole case. The investigation ended with Sayedova’s exclusion from the Egyptian nomination.

The two-time winner of the African championship responded by announcing the end of her cycling career. “I won’t drive anymore.

If they don’t want me to represent, fine. I will not go to the Olympics,” she said on Egyptian television, adding that she was not even given a chance to explain her actions.

Eliwová declared to the Egyptian media that Sajedová has not yet apologized to her for her attack.
