“She wanted to kill me”: Elderly man accuses niece of violently attacking him in Vila Verde – Portugal

Manuel Martins, 86 years old, accuses his niece of violently beating him after chasing him in a car. The alleged crime occurred on Thursday in Valdreu, Vila Verde.

The man told the CM that the relative went up to him with “something in her hand” and hit him on the head “about three or four times”. The elderly man immediately fell to the ground and she even “tripped” him.

The victim was left with marks on his head and body and his hearing aid and cell phone were broken.

“I was scared, I can’t even sleep at night. I’m even going to sell the house, I don’t feel well, I can’t sleep. She’s capable of finding someone and coming here to harm me”, says the victim.

The case, which has already been reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Vila Verde, was caused by an old quarrel over water sharing.

Source: www.cmjornal.pt