She works most (and least) in the royal house: “From 07 to 00”

Of course, being born into the Swedish royal family has many wonderful advantages. Who doesn’t want to live in a magnificent castle, wear beautiful (and expensive) clothes, be able to travel anywhere, eat good food and meet exciting people all day long?

But being royal naturally means many other, perhaps less fun things – being constantly watched by the media, criticized for the smallest thing and having one’s private life scrutinized from time to time.

Nor is it just ice cream to be king, queen, prince or princess. It also means some work.

Sometimes the lamp of diligence shines on the castle. Image source: Henrik Montgomery/TT Bild

Journalists Barbara Hultman has been a court reporter for many years, and for many years she also worked at the castle. Over 10 years ago, she released the book In the royal setting which mostly revolved around the king Carl XVI Gustaf. There, Hultman revealed that the king works very long hours.

– The king works from seven in the morning until around 12 at night. He has not taken sick leave for a single day, Barbro Hultman told in an interview with Swedish Radio when.

Queen Silvia and King Carl XVI Gustaf
Queen Silvia and King Carl XVI Gustaf. Image source: Jonas Ekströmer/TT Bild

And the king is still today the hardest working member of the Swedish royal family. His schedule is often packed – and according to the Royal Palace’s own website, some of the king’s duties include conducting state visits, receiving ambassadors, opening the parliament every September, chairing councils with the government and also chairing the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Sarah Williams who runs the site UFO No Morecompiles each year how many working days each member of the royal family had. She also maps other European royal houses. Among other things, the Spanish royal house really stands out there – king Felipe is not a lazy worm right away. In 2024, he worked 188 days.

If Felipe
King Felipe of Spain. Image source: AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru/TT Bild

Also prince Albert of Monaco has been in, and worked 208 days during 2024. He is actually the European royal who worked the most during the year.

Prince Albert of Monaco
Prince Albert of Monaco with his wife, Princess Charlene. Image source: AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko/TT Bild

Worth mentioning is that the year 2024 for a person with a full-time position offered a total of 251 working days.

But the Swedish king need not be ashamed either. According to William’s compilation – which is based on information from the royal house’s official calendars and social media – the Swedish king worked 143 days in the year 2024. Queen Silvia she has also pulled a load of 118 working days during the year.

The Crown Princess Victories workload decreased slightly from the year before – but it is worth mentioning that during the past year she was in hard training in the military.

Crown Princess Victoria
Crown Princess Victoria has been in hard training and has also managed over 100 working days at it.

Victoria worked 112 days in 2024, as opposed to the 135 days she worked in 2023. Meanwhile, her husband Prince Daniel “stepped up” and took on 108 working days, compared to the year 2023 when he worked 98 days.

It was a little less sweaty for the prince Carl Philip who in 2024 worked 68 days, at the same time as his wife the princess Sofia settled for 50 days.

Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia. Image source: Mikael Fritzon/TT Bild

At least the princess worked Madeleinewho moved from the USA to Sweden again during the year. During 2024, Princess Madeleine worked 22 days – which is significantly more than the year before. In 2023, Madeleine didn’t even work for two whole weeks – but that year it had to be a total of 13 days of work for Princess Madeleine.

Princess Madeleine and Chris O'Neill
Princess Madeleine has not tied many knots in 2024. Image source: Jonas Ekströmer/TT Bild

Another European royal who has had to take it a little more calmly during the year is the princess Kate of Wales. In 2023 Kate had 102 working days, but in 2024 it went down to 12 working days. Which has a completely natural explanation, as Kate was diagnosed with cancer for which she was also treated for many months.

That’s how much the Swedish royal family worked in 2024

King Carl XVI Gustaf, 143 days
Queen Silvia, 118 days
Crown Princess Victoria, 112 days
Prince Daniel, 108 days
Prince Carl Philip, 68 days
Princess Sofia, 50 days
Princess Madeleine, 22 days

They worked the most and the least in all of Europe:

Prince Albert of Monaco was a real workaholic in 2024, logging 208 working days. He is thus the European royal who worked the most during the year.

Ingrid Alexandra
Ingrid Alexandra, 20, has dedicated herself to the military. Image source: Terje Pedersen / POOL / NTB/TT Image

The princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway, aged 20, is at the bottom of the list. Ingrid Alexandra is the daughter of the Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon and Mette-Marit. You might think that she was just lying on the couch as she only worked four days in 2024 – but the truth is that she actually, just like Crown Princess Victoria, completed military training during the year.
