Showed how to bravely defend truth and justice

The PRESIDENT of the Assembly of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, pointed out that Vučić is in front of the whole world how to defend the integrity and sovereignty of the country.

The president of the free and proud country, our Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, once again, in front of the whole world, showed how to defend the integrity and sovereignty of a country, how to bravely defend truth and justice, multilateralism, the UN, international law and equality between countries and peoples, how peace is defended and how peace is fought for. “We are not servants of Russia and the USA. We have our own politics and our own interests. And that’s why I don’t want to ask you now, but to say that the only hope, not only for my country, which I love the most in the world, but also for yours country, to understand the mechanisms of lies, the mechanisms of fraud in international relations and to try to gather here, in the most important organization, to try to change it, to try to respect it. Because only in this way will we be able to preserve peace”. For a long time, these words of the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, will echo in the corridors of the UN and will be retold for a long time in freedom-loving countries, of which there are more and more. Proud of President Vučić.

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