Siemens Zrt. – technocrat received an order for an energy storage investment

One of the largest energy storage facilities in Hungary is being built on the territory of the liter gas turbine power plant owned by MVM Zrt. and operated by MVM Balance Zrt. In this way, the region’s electricity supply security and system balancing due to the large-scale supply of renewable energy are promoted.

During the ten million euro investment, a lithium-ion battery energy storage unit with a power of 5 megawatts (MW) and a storage capacity of 10,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) will be built, which will be connected to the public power grid through the liter substation of MAVIR. The battery bank realized as part of the MVM Group’s investment will be sufficient to cover the daily electricity needs of more than 1,400 households.

The new energy storage is part of a modern, high efficiency, wide control range, combined cycle gas turbine block system, which will thus be able to sustainably ensure the stability of the electricity system.

For the investment, Siemens Zrt. will deliver the 4-field, air-insulated, medium-voltage switchgear, which ensures reliable operation, through its manufacturing partner, MVM XPert Zrt.
