Signs that reveal that your partner has not forgotten the ex

Thinking about former loves is a completely normal thing, but when is the time to talk?

The fact that your partner remembers his ex-girlfriend is absolutely normal and does not mean that he does not like you or that he does not love you.

But still, if you notice that your partner is too “stuck” in the past and thinks a lot about his ex-partner, maybe you should talk openly with him and find out what’s going on in his head and soul.

Therefore, if you notice any of the following signs, do not waste time and talk to your partner about his ex.

He compares you to his ex

It happens subconsciously: it can indirectly compare your behavior in this or that situation. This is not a reason to panic and you should not think that you are worse than his ex. Simply, if such comparisons occur frequently, tell him so.

He often dreams of his ex

This is a common case, but of course, it can be unpleasant, especially if such dreams appear regularly. It is best to ask your partner what he thinks about this and how he interprets such dreams.

He accidentally calls you by his ex’s name

This happens unconsciously and accidentally, but it should not be ignored – if it happens often, talk to your partner about it and find out why, in his opinion, it happens.

He remembers his ex in awkward moments

If your partner remembers his ex during sexual intimacy, romantic dates, or during your conversations about the future together, then it’s time to have an honest conversation with him.

Corresponds with his ex or follows her on social networks

It can be a fairly innocuous communication. However, if you notice that your partner is obsessed with his ex-partner and follows her every move on social media, you should seriously talk to him about it.

He defends his ex

A man can respect his exes, but if he starts to justify and protect them, it is first of all not fair to you and secondly, it can be proof that he still has feelings.
