Simulation-driven design as a strategic advantage

Tags: Design | Digital Engineering | Mark Meili | Simulation | Summit

That virtual conference De­sign & Si­mu­lati­on Sum­mittaking place on October 31st, learn how simulation-driven design can deliver real business benefits and improve bottom lines. Businesses rely on engineering simulations to solve complex technical questions, but rarely have a system to quantify and document their benefits. Therefore, there is a risk that experts and simulation tools will be seen as targets for cost reduction.

Which is virtual De­sign & Si­mu­lati­on Sum­mitu On October 31, simulation veteran Mark Meili will explain how simulation can deliver real business benefits and how engineers and managers can quantify and explain the value of this technology to senior management. The section is titled “How to make simulation-driven design a strategic advantage for your company“.

With over twenty years of experience quantifying and communicating the business impact of simulation-based innovations and proposals, Meili will explain why simulation is a strategic business advantage. He will also share practical ways to build a culture that values ​​and considers simulation to be essential.

Email held various technical and managerial positions in research and development and in product supply at Procter & Gamble. Before retiring, he headed the company’s modeling and simulation department. He has served on the US Department of Energy’s ExaScale Computing Project Industry Advisory Board and the NAFEMS Business Impact Working Group, which focuses on quantifying the impact of simulation and digital innovation on business. He is now a consultant and frequent speaker on the benefits of digital transformation.

The Design and Simulation Summit kicks off on October 31st with a lively panel discussion on the use of artificial intelligence in simulation and design. Other sessions will cover workstation configuration for design and simulation, digital twin case studies, and the business case for simulation-based design.

More information about the Design & Simulation Summit can be found at event websitenauthová of nvdhován: 10en nvhván: 10enss Seris Sa Alete register here and you can watch the trailer below.
