“Sir, will you also give me 50 lei?”. How the billionaire from FCSB reacted

Gigi Becali, the boss from FCSB, was caught in the car, to the right of the driver Ionuț Luțu, and a parishioner asked him for 50 lei.

The landowner from Pipera did not think twice and immediately offered 50 lei to a parishioner who asked him for that amount of money, even asking Ionuț Luțu to stop the car.

Gigi Becali’s reaction after a parishioner asked him for 50 lei

Gigi Becali is known as a man who makes many donations and charitable acts. The owner of FCSB does not hesitate to help people in need, when they ask for his help. The latest case was also caught on video.

The landowner from Pipera was traveling by car, his trusted man Ionuț Luțu being on the right of the driver. A parishioner asked him for 50 lei, and the businessman “executed” himself on the spot. He asked the ex-football player to stop the car, put his hand in his pocket and took out a 50 lei note, to the astonishment and joy of the person who had asked him for that amount of money.

How much money has Gigi Becali donated to the cells of Mount Athos in the last 15 years

Gigi Becali makes the largest and many donations for the benefit of the churches. Adrian Ilie, former striker of the Steaua team and the Romanian national team, recently made a surprising revelation.

“How much history is there in the Holy Mountain… Stephen the Great is placed in the church as a saint. There are several of the Romanian rulers, each at a church, put up as saints. From my point of view, Gigi Becali, after all the Romanian rulers, from 1400-1700, is the man who is the founder of almost all the cells.

He donated a lot of money, he is the man who in the last 15 years raised Athos. He helped all the Romanian cells there, he helped everyone. I think more than 20-25 million euros. He is, after all the Romanian rulers, the man who donated the most money. Gigi Becali helped to develop all the areas there”, said Adrian Ilie, according to Fanatik.

Gigi Becali lost six kilos when she fasted for Easter 2022

The patron saint of Romania’s champion is a man with a devotion to the holy and has made a tradition of going to Mount Athos every year, in the run-up to the Easter holidays. Moreover, even the businessman observes the whole fast and goes on pilgrimage to pray.

In the year 2022, after more than 40 days of fasting and a visit to Mount Athos, the patron of the FCSB declared that he had lost six kilograms, feeding during that period of time only on bread, jam and compote

For his part, the former president of the Professional Football League, Dumitru Dragomir, a good friend of Gigi Becali, said how he distributes money to the people who are in charge of the churches from Romania.

“I stayed with him for about 30 minutes and a mother called him and asked him for the church. He told him to send the invoice and a history, so he could give the money. I was impressed, he didn’t even know that one.

After 10 minutes, a priest calls: “Mr. Becali, we need it, it’s raining in the church!”. He said to send the invoice. I haven’t seen anything like this,” Mitică Dragomir told ProSport Live.

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He has 30 years of experience in sports media. He debuted in January 1994, as a collaborator at Sportul Romanianesc, but his signature had already appeared half a year before. There was an article about his favorite footballer, the Brazilian Romario de Souza Faria, in the supplement “Footbal … read more

Source: www.prosport.ro