Six billion euros passed into legal flows

Mali on the fight against the shadow economy: Six billion euros went into legal flows

Serbia has implemented more than 70 percent of the set goals in combating the gray economy, said Finance Minister SiniĊĦa Mali at the meeting of the Coordination Body of the Government of Serbia for the fight against the gray economy, which marked ten years of work on it.

The latest analyzes show that the volume of the total gray economy, which 10 years ago amounted to almost 30 percent of GDP, decreased by more than a quarter, so six billion euros moved from the gray zone to legal flows.

Among the 10 most important state measures to combat the gray economy, the minister listed the introduction of “eFiscalization”, which enables fiscal cash registers to inform citizens and the Tax Administration in real time whether the accounts are correct.

Another measure was the introduction of “eInvoices”, so all invoices in Serbia are now in electronic form, “which brings savings in time and money and less power for the gray economy”, said the minister.

Mali stated that inspection supervision was reformed, the Law on Public Procurement was adopted in accordance with EU standards, the economy and citizens were enabled to pay cashless for a large number of services, and the reform of flat-rate taxation was also arranged, which made it possible to regulate the tax treatment of “freelancers”.

He also reminded that the Law on Simplified Work Engagement in Seasonal Jobs in Agriculture was passed, and those who want to start their own business have easier access to the PIB, while the tax burden on wages is constantly being reduced by increasing the tax-free amount recently from 25,000 to 28,423. dinars.

In a year, two or three, a unique application for taxes


Mali said that the “ePorezi” portal was also launched, while the “eOptremnica” and “eAkciza” systems will be introduced in the next 18 months, and from January 1, 2026, the preliminary VAT declaration, which should be electronic, will be created in order to create conditions for automatic VAT refund.

“For us, the completion of the reform of the Tax Administration is important, and in a year, two or three, all citizens of Serbia will have a single application for taxes and will be able to track all tax forms in one place, to know how much they owe.”

Currently, when taxes in Serbia are paid by businesses or individuals, there are 182 or 187 accounts that are paid for different things. In three years, he will have only one, Mali said.

Source: Beta

Photo: Pixabay
