Six reasons why kefir should be included in the diet

Kefir is obtained from fermented milk and belongs to the category of so-called superfood because it is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

It has long been considered a valuable dietary supplement because it contains probiotics and postbiotics that improve gut health and provide a number of other health benefits.

Kefir is a superfood because it contains:

– Calcium

– Magnesium

– Proteins

– Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

– Vitamin B12

– Vitamin D

In addition, kefir has other advantages:

Supports gut health

Our digestive system is home to a rich world of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Some are harmful, while others aid digestion and create beneficial substances.

When bad bacteria multiply uncontrollably, the balance of the microbiome is disrupted, which can cause:

– stomach pains

– flatulence

– prison

– diarrhea

– gases

Kefir contains about 12 active probiotic compounds.

Eating foods rich in probiotics and postbiotics, such as kefir, contributes to the increase of good bacteria in the intestines.

They control harmful bacteria and support gut health.

Research shows that regular consumption of kefir has a positive effect on the microbiome, reducing the symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases and chronic constipation, writes Best Life.

Strengthens bones

Strong bones are essential for an active life, especially as we age and lose bone mass.

Kefir contains important nutrients for building and regenerating bones:

Calcium: an essential mineral for bone strength, which the body cannot produce on its own.

Vitamin D: Necessary for calcium absorption.

Phosphorus: A mineral that, together with calcium, contributes to bone building.

Magnesium: It strengthens the bone structure.

Vitamin K: It is found in whole milk kefir and participates in bone-related processes.

Suppresses bad bacteria

Kefir fights pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella. It has been shown in laboratory studies to be as effective as antibiotics.

In addition to destroying harmful microorganisms in the intestines, kefir helps protect teeth from bacteria that cause cavities. One dental study found kefir to be as effective as fluoride in reducing the risk of tooth decay.

It keeps the muscles healthy

The proteins in kefir help build and repair muscles. Although it contains less protein than Greek yogurt, kefir has more protein than an egg.

It is also rich in magnesium, important for muscle function, and phosphorus, which supports tissue growth and regeneration.

It helps control blood sugar

For people with type 2 diabetes, kefir can be a beneficial part of the diet because it helps maintain stable glucose levels.

One study showed that the consumption of half a liter of kefir per day contributes to better control of blood sugar levels.

Relieves stress

Scientific research shows that kefir can help in stressful situations.

The probiotic drink changes the composition of intestinal bacteria, increasing the number of those that produce gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

This amino acid calms the brain and helps in relaxation.
