Six years later, Anacom wants to hear from the market again about spectrum allocation – Telecommunications

Six years later, the telecommunications sector regulator (Anacom) wants to hear from the market again about the spectrum availability as well as the forms of allocation. Depending on the contributions, an auction may be held, for example, to allocate the available frequency bands.

“Anacom considers it pertinent to make spectrum available for terrestrial electronic communications services, and will therefore consult the market on its interest in making harmonised bands available, either individually or in combination, and on the procedure and conditions for allocation to be adopted, as well as the respective conditions of use”, reads the statement issued by the entity led by Sandra Maximiano.

The objective of this consultation, which will run until October 25, is to understand the market position regarding the allocation of available spectrum, and not just related to 5G, “with a view to efficient use, which benefits competition, innovation and efficiency in the markets that include this type of services, bearing in mind that a finite and scarce resource is at stake – the radio frequency spectrum – constituting a input indispensable for the production and provision of mobile communications services based on its own network”, he adds.

The regulator is thus once again, six years later, carrying out a listening exercise that covers a wide range of frequency bands, including some of those that have already been the subject of previous consultations, as well as others in which the expiry of the titles enabling their exploitation for terrestrial electronic communications services is approaching or with the possibility of making it available for the first time for this type of services in the short and medium term, namely: 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1500 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2.6 GHz, 26 GHz and 42 GHz.
