Six young people from the Western Balkans created a new logo for the Summit of the Berlin Process

Six young people from the Western Balkans created a new logo for the Summit of the Berlin Process

The youth team behind the logo consists of Alkid Shuli from Albania, Stone Beam on of Kosovo, Amila Redžić from of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lana Klenak from Montenegro, Bojan Buđarovski from North Macedonia and Milan Ružić from Serbia, under the creative mentorship of an experienced creative director, The noble Ismailia.

The public will have the opportunity to see the logo at the Berlin Process Summit, which this year is being held in Berlin in October, as well as at other events within the Berlin Process, such as ministerial meetings, the Youth Forum organized by RYCO with partners, and other meetings within this platform for cooperation between the Western Balkans and the EU.

The initiative to create a permanent logo comes in the light of the jubilee marking – 10 years of the Berlin Process, which was officially established in 2014, as a model for promoting cooperation and support for the Western Balkans region on the way to the EU. Over the years, the Berlin Process has developed and today includes the Summit as an umbrella event, as well as ministerial meetings, Forums and numerous other activities.

Since 2021, RYCO has organized public invitations in the form of competitions where the Summit logo was chosen annually, and individuals were awarded for visual solutions. Teamwork on the permanent visual solution chosen this year provides additional value and contributes to strengthening cooperation in the Western Balkans region.

Source: BIZLife
