Skoda Octavia (2024) review – it has lost some and that is good news

The Skoda Octavia no longer has a three-cylinder. Hurray! Don’t get us wrong: the engine was fine, but in a car the size of the Skoda Octavia we would like at least one more cylinder. And that has now happened.

No matter how you look at it, a four-cylinder engine simply runs better than a three-cylinder. The previous basic engine of the Skoda Octavia was a classic example of downsizing. Here, the toddler capacity of 999 cc was compensated by turbo technology to still appear somewhat adult. Like putting a child in a suit.

Admittedly, the three-cylinder of the Skoda Octavia was very economical, but at the same time it did not excel in smoothness. Fine for a city car with which you mainly make short trips, but less suitable in a family/business car that has to eat up kilometers. That is precisely when you want peace of mind and not hear that typical three-cylinder sound, even though Skoda managed to limit that with good insulation.

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Skoda Octavia Combi (2024) test -
Skoda Octavia Combi (2024) test -

Skoda Octavia mild hybrid

But all that is now a thing of the past. The new base engine with mild hybrid technology has four cylinders and a larger capacity of 1.5 liters. That is still less than the sturdy two liters of yesteryear, but we also understand that the world has changed. The power is 115 hp. That is just on, but sufficient in our flat Netherlands.


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More economical driving with cylinder deactivation

The basic four-cylinder engine has cylinder deactivation, which deactivates two cylinders depending on the speed and load, thereby saving fuel. Skoda gives an average consumption of 5.4 l/100 km (1 to 18.5) for the Combi, which is only slightly higher than that of the old three-cylinder (5.3 l/100 km, 1 to 18.9). We are talking about the standard version with a manual six-speed gearbox. Those who opt for the automatic DSG transmission are even more economical on the road with 5.1 l/100 km (1 to 19.6).

Skoda Octavia Combi (2024) test -
Skoda Octavia Combi (2024) test -

Traditional as we are, we prefer to change gear ourselves. And it is immediately noticeable that the rattling of the three-cylinder has made way for a more sonorous four-cylinder sound. This is perhaps a bit too emphatic at higher revs, but is never as pushy as someone trying to sell you a subscription to a daily newspaper at the entrance to a supermarket.

There are no disturbing thumping frequencies and the well-chosen gearbox ratios and the precision with which the six-speed gearbox can be operated ensure that you can maintain a smooth driving style.

Skoda Octavia Combi (2024) test -
Skoda Octavia Combi (2024) test -

Skoda Octavia Combi consumption

A power of 115 hp is not a lot, but for those who drive calmly and relaxed, this is more than enough. It helps that the maximum torque of 220 Nm is already available at 1500 rpm. And there is no turbo lag. After a test drive on Austrian motorways at 130 km/h and Czech back roads, the on-board computer indicated a neat consumption of 5.2 l/100 km, exactly the factory specification.

Read the full review of the Skoda Octavia in Auto Review 08/2024.
