Slightly more video on demand viewing time in December

In the last weeks of 2024, the Netherlands did not watch live television for 55 percent of the viewing time, but on demand.

In the last week of the year, 54 percent of television viewing time went to services such as NPO Start, TV Gemist, YouTube and Netflix. A year earlier that was 52 percent.

It published yesterday National Media Research the latest figures regarding TV viewing. A look at the figures over the year reveals that the ratio between live and on-demand is quite stable at approximately 50/50 with a small tendency towards retrospective viewing.

In December 2024, 45 percent of viewing time went to live television. A year ago that was slightly more: 47 percent.

An exception to ‘the new way of looking’ was seen in the summer months. At that time, the Netherlands watched more live (56%) than on demand (44%). This can be explained by the broadcasts of the Olympic Games. People prefer to watch performances in top sports live, ‘from the sidelines’.
