“Smile of the Child”: Evidence of shock for juveniles with suicidal ideation

Almost two children a day call the “1256” line of the “Smile of the Child” Organization, expressing the desire to harm themselves, as can be seen from the data revealed by enikos.gr. These figures are particularly worrying, considering that incidents of abuse against minors have been on the rise in recent times, with most victims unable to “break their silence”, overwhelmed by the feeling of fear.

By Konstantina Haina

The dramatic situation is captured on enikos.gr, the experienced psychologist and coordinator of the National Center for Child Abuse and Exploitation of the “Smile of the Child”, Stavroula Spyropoulou, which typically states that: “The numbers below they should seriously concern us about the issue of children’s mental healthwhich may come from family violence, peer relationships, behavioral problems, fear and anxiety management, etc.”

In detail in 2023 and the first half of 2024, the National Telephone Line “SOS” 1056 handled a total of 699 cases of suicidal ideationwhich concerned both incidents of suicide attempts and self-injury by children as well as adults.

At the ages of 13-15 years most cases

Specifically, last year 552 incidents were recordedwith most occurring at ages 13-15 (233), followed by ages 16-17 (152) and 10-12 (51). As for 2024, so far, there are 147 incidentswhere most are recorded again at ages 13-15 (70), followed by ages 16-17 (43), and 10-12 (13).

269 ​​self-harm attempts – 49 death wishes

The figures for the history of suicide attempts and/or self-harm recorded in 2023 are shocking, as there were 89 suicide attempts, of which 56 were 1 to 2 times, 269 ​​self-harm attempts, of which 89 from 3 times or more262 related to suicidal ideation of which 130 from 1 to 2 times, while the number of hospitalizations reached 16.

At the same time, there were also 49 death wishes, of which 32 from 1 to 2 times.

Risk factors: Negative family/peer relationships

Regarding the risk factors, a negative “first” is registered, both in 2023 and in the first half of 2024, for relationships in the family and relationships with peers (love/friendships). Specifically, in 2023, there were 126 incidents involving relationships within the family, while 86 involved relationships with peers.

Correspondingly in the first half of 2024, 41 incidents related to relationships with family and 20 to relationships with peers.

Means of attempted suicide and/or self-harm: Sharp objects and substance consumption

Regarding the means used by both children and adults in suicide attempts or to self-harm, in 2023, among others, 187 incidents with sharp objects and 60 incidents of substance abuse (pills/alcohol) were recorded. Accordingly, in the first half of 2024, 59 incidents with sharp objects and 12 with substance abuse (pills/alcohol) were recorded.

Marital status/person’s gender

Regarding the marital status of the people who called the National “SOS” Hotline 1056 of the Smile of the Child, in 2023 and the first half of 2024, they mainly concerned married parents.

At the same time, it is worth noting that most of the cases in both years, so far, concern the female gender by a large margin.

“70% of the calls concern teenagers aged 13-17”

According to Ms Spyropoulou, the 699 cases that the Organization was asked to deal with, are considered “too many. This is the reality. We are talking about almost 2 cases a day with children asking for help. The number is indeed large. It’s worth noting that 70% of all calls concern teenagers aged 13-17, but also younger ages which we don’t see that often”.

In fact, the psychologist of “Smile of the Child”, points out that the phenomenon of children with suicidal ideation is observed throughout Europe and not only in Greece. “Therefore, there is an increase in incidents related to this phenomenon. What is of course very important is that the children talk to us, call us and trust us. Our goal is for them to tell us why they have these thoughts. Among the risk factors, according to what the children themselves tell us, are the relationship with the family, problems with peers, co-existing mental disorders, the internet etc. Every case for us is special and we want the children to keep calling us, and they should know that we are on their side”.

Asked how difficult it is for a qualified scientist to deal with a case involving suicidal ideation, Ms Spyropoulou states that «the people behind the phone lines are highly trained in handling such situations. It is worth noting that there is constant cooperation with all the Authorities, with the Prosecution of Electronic Crime, the Ministry, etc., in order to be able to act effectively, in any case deemed necessary. For example, we may be managing a case of suicidal ideation and many times it has been necessary to mobilize the Prosecution because we find that there is a risk to the child’s life. We are at the disposal of both minors and adults 24 hours a day. No one is alone».

Source: www.enikos.gr