Smile readership in strong growth – Smile

Smile readership in strong growth – Smile

The total reach of Smile’s printed magazine and website rose to 269,400 readers.

According to the national media survey (KMT 2024), Hymy increased its readership both in print and online.

Hymy’s total reach increased to 269,400 readers according to the KMT 2024 study published today. The increase from the previous year is 15 percent. Those who enjoy working with both the printed magazine and the website are included in the reading.

The number of readers of the monthly printed magazine alone is 76,400. It increased by five percent from the previous year.

– Thank you to our readers and our large group of authors. Today, popular entertainment news can be made without unnecessary sensationalism while still maintaining interest, says the editor-in-chief Erkki Meriluoto.

Hymy magazine, which turned 65 years old, was renewed at the beginning of the year. In addition to entertainment, the magazine contains a rich package of health, stories about ordinary people, crime stories, military history and stories about animals as well.

– Smile’s versatility is also indicated by the share of female readers, which is 46 percent. Our content line, which is close to the everyday life of ordinary people, has worked, Meriluoto is happy.

Celebrities are interesting online and on social media

Along with Hymy’s online growth, the magazine’s Facebook page has also gathered thousands of new followers. Public figures are interesting, and commenting on topics has largely moved from traditional discussion forums to social media. In the genre of stories and handouts, there has been an encouraging grip instead of pushing down.

– Affirmative action, positivity, cheerfulness and a small dose of humor seem to be a working concept. I didn’t want to do mean things and push other people down. This has also resulted in good feedback from public figures who want to cooperate well with us, describes Hymy’s network producer Jari Kupiainen.
