Social leasing 2025: big changes in sight?

After the euphoria, the return to earth. Victim of its success at the start of 2024, with 50,000 beneficiaries in six weeks, social leasing is, this time, faced with a problem of… timing. This concerns customers who have opted for a Citroën ë-C3 at €59/month. To obtain super aid from the State, deliveries had to take place by September 30. However, in mid-September, they had not started! Then come two options. Either the State pushes back the deadline, or Citroën anticipates the registration of the cars concerned. A common practice which consists of obtaining the registration document before the car is produced. In short, a priori, don’t panic.
On the other hand, it is next year that social leasing could suffer a real blow. Given that it would be a question, at this stage, of reducing by a third the budget allocated to aid for the purchase of vehicles, leasing – just like the bonus – risks being significantly reduced in 2025.

Social leasing victim of its success in 2024 and hardens for 2025

Social leasing introduced on January 1 was a hit. In a month and a half, the “€100/month” electric car had attracted 50,000 French people…
Result: with large amounts of public subsidies of up to €13,000 per car, the system has swallowed up more than 600 million euros out of a total budget allocated, in 2024, to purchasing aid of 1.5 billion euros ! A siphoning in order, which forced the State to apply the handbrake. As a result, the government hastily stopped the system and reduced the amounts of the bonus and the conversion bonus. He also changed the allocation rules. For example, the subletting of vehicles benefiting from leasing assistance during the validity period of the contract is strictly prohibited, under penalty of a fine of €1,500. A measure which should be kept for 2025. However, succeeding in flushing out the thieves will not be an easy task…
If you missed the boat, the new wave of social leasing is planned for the end of the year. Deliveries are planned for 2025. No details, at this stage, on the terms of application, other than that the notion of minimum distance to travel in the context of work to be eligible could be skipped. To be confirmed.

How to benefit from social leasing?

Low-income households can now claim an electric “at €100/month” thanks to a long-term rental for a minimum of three years. To benefit from it, you must have a reference tax income per unit of less than €15,400. For the moment, it is also necessary to justify daily home-work return trips of at least 30 km. Or, 8,000 km of travel per year in a professional context. Condition which could therefore be removed as mentioned above. Several models are already eligible, with monthly payments of €40 to €150 (excluding insurance and maintenance), without contribution.
But be careful. Unlike last year, where 50,000 files were validated, only 20,000 cars will be available. This will allow the government to reduce the significant share that social leasing has taken in the budget allocated to vehicle purchase assistance. If the State decided to resume aid for 2024, namely 600 million euros, this would represent 3/5 of the budget allocated for 2025 (1 billion euros). First come, first served on
