Social Moms has brought together parents and experts to address the challenges of food allergies in children

On July 16, Social Moms organized the third edition of the conference “All about allergies” with Dr. Adriana Nicolae. If the first two editions addressed skin allergies and respiratory allergies respectively, this event was dedicated to parents interested in managing food allergies in children. The conference brought together, at the Marshal Garden Hotel in Bucharest, over 150 participants to discuss the challenges and solutions related to this increasingly common health problem.

Food allergies represent a major challenge for children, but also for their parents, having a significant impact on the quality of life. Children with food allergies are at increased risk of developing other conditions, such as atopic dermatitis and asthma, and events like this are essential to raise awareness and educate parents about effective ways to manage these conditions.

The conference was supported by Dr. Adriana Nicolae primary care physician specialized in Allergology and Clinical Immunology and Dr. Antoanela Curici, primary physician Laboratory Medicine and medical director Synevo, who made a significant contribution through their presentations and expertise. Dr. Adriana Nicolae provided an in-depth perspective on the diagnosis and treatment of food allergies, the prevention and management of their long-term evolution, sharing her vast experience in the field. Dr. Antoanela Curici explained to the conference participants when and which tests are recommended to identify the factors that cause allergic reactions, specific laboratory tests being very useful in the diagnosis and evaluation of food allergies.

During the conference, important topics such as types of food allergies, atopic march, differences between food allergies and intolerances, common triggers and allergens, symptoms and their effective management, as well as associated risks and complications were discussed. In addition, emphasis was also placed on anxiety and stress related to the risk of accidental exposure to allergens, but also on bullying, factors that deeply affect the mental health of those involved. That’s why parents of children with food allergies were invited, who shared their experiences and offered practical and emotional advice to face daily challenges.

“We are extremely happy about the success of this conference and the active participation of parents and specialists. Through this event, we wanted to provide valuable information and support to the community of parents dealing with food allergies. Together we can make a significant difference in the lives of our children.” stated Mădălina PutineanuManaging Director Social Moms.

The “All About Allergies: Food Allergies in Children” conference was not only a learning opportunity, but also a space for meeting and solidarity for all those who deal with food allergies on a daily basis. Participation was free and parents were awarded by the partners who joined this event. Social Moms continues to be a leader in providing valuable resources and support for parents and their children.

The conference was organized with the support of partners: Linex Baby, Synevo, Topfer, Medicover, Innergy, Dr. Phyto, Sanience, Sudocrem, Infacol, Meggle, AQUA Carpatica, AREA – Romanian Allergy Education Association.
