Some people have been waiting for such a breakthrough for years. Diagnosis in 5 minutes

Imagine that you could learn all the secrets of your skin in just a few minutes, without having to visit a dermatologist. Sounds like science fiction? Yet!

At this year’s CES, the L’Oréal Group presented a device that may revolutionize the way we care for our skin. L’Oréal Cell BioPrint is a portable laboratory that analyzes the skin in just 5 minutes using proteomics – a science that studies the impact of proteins on the aging process.

This futuristic device, developed in cooperation with the Korean startup NanoEnTek, allows us to better understand how our skin ages and choose perfectly tailored care. L’Oréal Cell BioPrint uses the innovative L’Oréal Longevity Integrative Science method, which examines the impact of biological processes on the appearance of the skin.

L’Oréal for the first time at CES. Here is their product

The secret of the device is the analysis of unique protein biomarkers, which are the key to understanding the condition and age of our skin. The analysis process is simple and non-invasive. First, a special tape placed on the cheek collects information about biomarkers. Then the tape is placed in the L’Oréal Cell BioPrint device, which performs analysis. At the same time, the Skin Connect device takes photos of your face and generates a report summarizing your skin concerns and signs of aging.

At L’Oréal, we always look to the future of beauty, combining the latest scientific discoveries with many years of beauty knowledge. The skin is the largest organ and its condition affects people’s well-being, which is why we are pleased to present Cell BioPrint, an innovative technology of microfluidic portable device-laboratory, supported by our hundred years of experience in skin science. Thanks to Cell BioPrint, we offer you the opportunity to learn more about your skin through the analysis of specific biomarkers, as well as the opportunity to proactively take care of your beauty and longevity – Barbara Lavernos, deputy general director for research, innovation and technology at the L’Oréal Group.

Thanks to L’Oréal Cell BioPrint we can find out how quickly our skin ages and how to slow down this process. The device also predicts how our skin will react to cosmetic ingredients, such as retinol, helping to eliminate trial and error in choosing cosmetics. Moreover, Cell BioPrint identifies potential skin problems before they become visible, enabling proactive care.

The launch of L’Oréal Cell BioPrint is planned for 2025 in Asia. You can listen to other L’Oréal hardware news and innovations in our podcast.
